Kota Bogor
On this final project in the dicoding basic web programming course, I developed a website about Bogor City starting from the History of Bogor City to Bogor City Tourist Destination so that when anyone wants to know Bogor City, they can see it in just one website.
So I created 2 website pages The first page is the "Landing Page" (index.html), this page is divided into 2 parts
- The first is Header, users can see the current time and date, which is made using javascript by taking the current time and date
- The second is Main, users can see about what Bogor City is and the image of the Bogor Kujang Monument as the Bogor Icon. Then the user can also see interesting quotes, the quote appears using the API https://api.quotable.io. If the "New Quote" button is pressed, the quote will appear again randomly.
When the user presses the "Let's Explore
The second page is the "Explore" page (explore.html), on this page there are several sections
- The first is the Header, users can see the current time and date, the name of the city of Bogor (from various languages) and a brief description of the city of Bogor randomly when the page is refreshed. In the Header there is also a navbar that functions as user navigation when you want to view content.
- The second is Main, users can see and read about the History, Culinary, and Tourist Attractions of Bogor City, which I divide by card, then for tourist attractions I use Sliders to make it more efficient and dynamic. Then there is an aside for personal biodata.
- The third is Footer, if the user wants to know more about the City of Bogor, can see through Social Media Bogor City (Youtube, Bogor City Website, Twitter, Facebook).
Both pages already support mobile and tablet devices (responsive). Every page also when loaded, there is a loader sign so that it tells that the web page has been completely loaded.