
JMA Earthquake Data into Json by Kotlin Serialization

Primary LanguageKotlin


jma-quake-api parses earthquake data json provided by Japan Meteorological Agency into Kotlin data class Array of JmaQuakeData.

val json: String = /* http request get https://www.jma.go.jp/bosai/quake/data/list.json */
val jmaQuakeDataArray = Json.decodeFromString<Array<JmaQuakeData>>(json)

It can also parse names of cities from city name dictionary json

val json: String = /* http request get https://www.data.jma.go.jp/multi/data/dictionary/city.json */
val cityDictionary = JmaCityDictionary(json)
assertEquals("志賀町", cityDictionary.getCityName("1738400", Language.japanese))

Then you can do something like following:

val jmaQuakeDataWithInt7 = jmaQuakeDataArray.first { jmaQuakeData ->
    jmaQuakeData.hasCityMaxIntensity() && jmaQuakeData.maxi == SeismicIntensity.SEVEN

val cityMaxIntensityList = mutableListOf<CityMaxIntensity>()

jmaQuakeDataWithInt7.int.forEach { prefectureIntensityArray ->
    prefectureIntensityArray.city.forEach { cityMaxIntensity ->

val city = cityMaxIntensityList.first { it.maxi.greaterThanEqual(SeismicIntensity.SEVEN) }
val name = jmaCityDictionary.getCityName(city.code, Language.japanese)
assertEquals("志賀町", name)


Add following to your root build.gradle

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Add dependency

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.nehemiaharchives:jma-quake-api:1.0.0'