
Lecture notes and code on React information flow

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Information Flow


You will be able to:

  • Define the term “lifting state”
  • Recognize the pattern for changing state in a parent component from a child component
  • Explain the role that callback functions play in changing parent state


  • build component hierarchy for karaoke from wireframe (on board)
  • plan what states we'll need
  • plan what events we'll need
  • question we'll be answering: where should we put those states and events?

Props only flow down

  • best practice: keep it local
  • state must be in closest common parent
  • no sibling to sibling
  • no child to parent

Demonstrate lifting state

Inverse data flow with callback functions

  • You CAN pass a callback function as a prop
  • Only way to get info from child up to parent
  • ELI5: Parent gives cellphone to child
  • ELI5: Touching a hot stove

Reflection Qs:

  1. What does the term ‘lifting state’ mean?
  2. If the behavior exists inside of the child component and state is defined inside a parent component, what is the best way to update the state upon an event?
  3. How is a callback function shared with a child component from the parent component?
  4. Explain inverse data flow in your own words.

Demo: Karaoke


  • display songs and singers in lists; import data at the lowest level it's needed
  • set state of singer in singerList to toggle between singing and not singing (add microphone emoji)
  • then, make the "now playing" component functional; you have to lift state to accomplish that