Red Hat Forul-2019 - How to secure your secrets with Vault and Ansible Tower !!!

This demo was built as an interactive demonstration of the talk I did @ Red Hat Forum 2019 (Paris).

The main purpose was to demonstrate how you can leverage HashiCorp Vault to :

  • Dynamically signed public key for ssh-ca enabling secure connection to managed nodes thru Ansible Tower
  • Accessing Static Secrets inside a playbook
  • Creating Dynamic Secrects used in playbooks

To do this, I decided to use Terraform to build the infrastructure shown below :


In order to deploy correcty the demo, I splitted the code in different steps :

  • Step 1 : Deploying AWS Based infrastructure
  • Step 2 : Creating ACM Certificate
  • Step 3 : Deploying Instances (Bastion, Vault , Tower and Managed Nodes)
  • Step 4 : Configuring Load Balancer (Listener, Target Groups) and deploying Tower
