
Kubernetes Operator for easy setup and management of Microcks installs

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Kubernetes Operator for easy setup and management of Microcks installs (using Ansible undercover ;-)

Table of contents


Quick start

We provide simple shell scripts for quickly installing latest version of Microcks Operator on your OpenShift cluster or local Minikube.

You can use install-latest-on-minikube.sh script to prepare your cluster with Strimzi installation, SSL passthrough configuration for accessing Kafka cluster, Microcks Operator and full Microcks install in a microcks namespace.

After having logged in your OpenShift cluster with oc login, you can use install-latest-on-openshift.sh script for installation of Microcks Operator and full Microcks install in a microcks namespace of a prepared cluster (Strimzi operator should have been installed first).

Manual procedure

For development or on bare OpenShift and Kubernetes clusters, without Operator Lifecycle Management (OLM).

Start cloning this repos and then, optionally, create a new project:

$ git clone https://github.com/microcks/microcks-ansible-operator.git
$ cd microcks-ansible-operator/
$ kubectl create namespace microcks

Then, from this repository root directory, create the specific CRDS and resources needed for Operator:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/crds/microcks_v1alpha1_microcksinstall_crd.yaml
$ kubectl create -f deploy/service_account.yaml -n microcks 
$ kubectl create -f deploy/role.yaml -n microcks
$ kubectl create -f deploy/role_binding.yaml -n microcks

Finally, deploy the operator:

$ kubectl create -f deploy/operator.yaml -n microcks

Wait a minute or two and check everything is running:

$ kubectl get pods -n microcks                                  
NAME                                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
microcks-ansible-operator-f58b97548-qj26l   1/1       Running   0          3m

Now just create a MicrocksInstall CRD!

Via OLM add-on

Operator Lyfecycle Manager shoud be installed on your cluster first. Please follow this guideline to know how to proceed.

You can then use the OperatorHub.io catalog of Kubernetes Operators sourced from multiple providers. It offers you an alternative way to install stable versions of Microcks using the Microcks Operator. To install Microcks from OperatorHub.io, locate the Microcks Operator and follow the instructions provided.

As an alternative, raw resources can also be found into the /deploy/olm directory of this repo. You may want to use the install.sh script for creating CSV and subscriptions within your target namespace.


Once operator is up and running into your Kubernetes namespace, you just have to create a MicrocksInstall Custom Resource Definition (CRD). This CRD simply describe the properties of the Microcks installation you want to have in your cluster. A MicrocksInstallCRD is made of 6 different sections that may be used for describing your setup :

  • Global part is mandatory and contain attributes like name of your install and version of Microcks to use,
  • microcks part is optional and contain attributes like the number of replicas and the access url if you want some customizations,
  • postman part is optional for the number of replicas
  • keycloak part is optional and allows to specify if you want a new install or reuse an existing instance. If not provided, Microcks will install its own Keycloak instance,
  • mongodb part is optional and allows to specify if you want a new install or reuse an existing instance. If not provided, Microcks will install its own MongoDB instance
  • features part is optional and allow to enable and configure opt-in features of Microcks.

Minimalist CRD

Here's below a minimalistic MicrocksInstall CRD that I use on my OpenShift cluster. This let all the defaults applies (see below for details).

apiVersion: microcks.github.io/v1alpha1
kind: MicrocksInstall
  name: my-microcksinstall
  name: my-microcksinstall
  version: "1.0.0"
    replicas: 2
    replicas: 2

This form can only be used on OpenShift as vanilla Kubernetes will need more informations to customize Ingress resources.

Complete CRD

Here's now a complete MicrocksInstall CRD that I use - for example - on Minikube for testing vanilla Kubernetes support. This one adds the url attributes that are mandatory on vanilla Kubernetes.

apiVersion: microcks.github.io/v1alpha1
kind: MicrocksInstall
  name: my-microcksinstall-minikube
  name: my-microcksinstall-minikube
  version: "1.0.0"
    replicas: 1
    url: microcks.
    ingressSecretRef: my-secret-for-microcks-ingress
    replicas: 2
    install: true
    persistent: true
    volumeSize: 1Gi
    url: keycloak.
    privateUrl: http://my-microcksinstall-keycloak.microcks.svc.cluster.local:8080/auth
    ingressSecretRef: my-secret-for-keycloak-ingress
    install: true
    uri: mongodb:27017
    database: sampledb
      secret: mongodb
      usernameKey: database-user
      passwordKey: database-password
    persistent: true
    volumeSize: 2Gi
      enabled: true
      labelKey: app
      labelLabel: Application
      labelList: app,status

MicrocksInstall details

The table below describe all the fields of the MicrocksInstall CRD, providing informations on what's mandatory and what's optional as well as default values.

 Section Property  Description
microcks replicas Optional. The number of replicas for the Microcks main pod. Default is 2.
microcks url Mandatory on Kube, Optional on OpenShift. The URL to use for exposing Ingress. If missing on OpenShift, default URL schema handled by Router is used.
microcks ingressSecretRef Optional on Kube, not used on OpenShift. The name of a TLS Secret for securing Ingress. If missing on Kubernetes, self-signed certificate is generated.
microcks ingressAnnotations  Optional on Kube, not used on OpenShift for now. Some custom annotations to add on Ingress. If these annotations are triggering a Certificate generation (for example through https://cert-manager.io/). The generateCert property should be set to false.
microcks generateCert Optional on Kube, not used on OpenShift. Whether to generate self-signed certificate or not if no valid ingressSecretRef provided. Default is true
microcks resources Optional. Some resources constraints to apply on Microcks pods. This should be expressed using Kubernetes syntax.
microcks logLevel Optional. Allows to tune the verbosity level of logs. Default is INFO You can use DEBUG for more verbosity or WARN for less.
postman replicas Optional. The number of replicas for the Microcks Postman pod. Default is 2.
keycloak install Optional. Flag for Keycloak installation. Default is true. Set to false if you want to reuse an existing Keycloak instance.
keycloak realm Optional. Name of Keycloak realm to use. Should be setup only if install is false and you want to reuse an existing realm. Default is microcks.
keycloak persistent Optional. Flag for Keycloak persistence. Default is true. Set to false if you want an ephemeral Keycloak installation.
keycloak volumeSize Optional. Size of persistent volume claim for Keycloak. Default is 1Gi. Not used if not persistent install asked.
keycloak url Mandatory on Kube if keycloak.install==false, Optional otherwise. The URL of Keycloak install - indeed just the hostname + port part - if it already exists on the one used for exposing Keycloak Ingress. If missing on OpenShift, default URL schema handled by Router is used.
keycloak privateUrl Optional. A private URL - a full URL here - used by the Microcks component to internally join Keycloak. This is also known as backendUrl in Keycloak doc. When specified, the keycloak.url is used as frontendUrl in Keycloak terms.
keycloak ingressSecretRef Optional on Kube, not used on OpenShift. The name of a TLS Secret for securing Ingress. If missing on Kubernetes, self-signed certificate is generated.
keycloak ingressAnnotations  Optional on Kube, not used on OpenShift for now. Some custom annotations to add on Ingress. If these annotations are triggering a Certificate generation (for example through https://cert-manager.io/). The generateCert property should be set to false.
keycloak generateCert Optional on Kube, not used on OpenShift. Whether to generate self-signed certificate or not if no valid ingressSecretRef provided. Default is true
keycloak replicas Optional. The number of replicas for the Keycloak pod if install is required. Default is 1. Operator do not manage any other value for now
mongodb install Optional. Flag for MongoDB installation. Default is true. Set to false if you want to reuse an existing MongoDB instance.
mongodb uri Optional. MongoDB URI in case you're reusing existing MongoDB instance. Mandatory if install is false
mongodb database Optional. MongoDB database name in case you're reusing existing MongoDB instance. Useful if install is false. Default to sampledb
mongodb secretRef Optional. Reference of a Secret containing credentials for connecting a provided MongoDB instance. Mandatory if install is false
mongodb persistent Optional. Flag for MongoDB persistence. Default is true. Set to false if you want an ephemeral MongoDB installation.
mongodb volumeSize Optional. Size of persistent volume claim for MongoDB. Default is 2Gi. Not used if not persistent install asked.
mongodb replicas Optional. The number of replicas for the MongoDB pod if install is required. Default is 1. Operator do not manage any other value for now
features repositoryFilter Optional. Feature allowing to filter API and services on main page. Must be explicitly enabled. See Organizing repository for more informations
features async Optional. Feature allowing to activate mocking of Async API on a message broker. Must be explicitly enabled. See this sample for full informations

Kafka feature details

Here are below the configuration properties of the Kafka support features:

 Section Property  Description
features.async.kafka install Optional. Flag for Kafka installation. Default is true and required Strimzi Operator to be setup. Set to false if you want to reuse an existing Kafka instance.
features.async.kafka useStrimziBeta1 Optional. Since version 1.3.0 we're using Beta2 version of Strimzi. Default is false. Set this flag to true if you still using older version of Strimzi that provides Beta1 custom resources.
features.async.kafka url Optional. The URL of Kafka broker if it already exists or the one used for exposing Kafka Ingress when we install it. In this later case, it should only be the subdomain part (eg: apps.example.com).
features.async.kafka persistent Optional. Flag for Kafka persistence. Default is false. Set to true if you want a persistent Kafka installation.
features.async.kafka volumeSize Optional. Size of persistent volume claim for Kafka. Default is 2Gi. Not used if not persistent install asked.
features.async.kafka.schemaRegistry url Optional. The API URL of a Kafka Schema Registry. Used for Avro based serialization
features.async.kafka.schemaRegistry confluent Optional. Flag for indicating that registry is a Confluent one, or using a Confluent compatibility mode. Default to true
features.async.kafka.schemaRegistry username Optional. Username for connecting to the specified Schema registry. Default to ``
features.async.kafka.schemaRegistry credentialsSource Optional. Source of the credentials for connecting to the specified Schema registry. Default to USER_INFO

MQTT feature details

Here are below the configuration properties of the MQTT support features:

 Section Property  Description
features.async.mqtt url Optional. The URL of MQTT broker (eg: my-mqtt-broker.example.com:1883). Default is undefined which means that feature is disabled.
features.async.mqtt username Optional. The username to use for connecting to secured MQTT broker. Default to microcks.
features.async.mqtt password Optional. The password to use for connecting to secured MQTT broker. Default to microcks.

WebSocket feature details

Here are below the configuration properties of the WebSocket support feature:

Section Property Description
features.async.ws ingressSecretRef Optional. The name of a TLS Secret for securing WebSocket Ingress. If missing, self-signed certificate is generated.
features.async.ws ingressAnnotations Optional. A map of annotations that will be added to the Ingress for Microcks WebSocket mocks. If these annotations are triggering a Certificate generation (for example through https://cert-manager.io/). The generateCert property should be set to false.
features.async.ws generateCert Optional. Whether to generate self-signed certificate or not if no valid ingressSecretRef provided. Default is true

Sample Custom Resources

The /deploy/crds folder contain sample MicrocksInstall resource allowing you to check the configuration for different setup options.

  • openshift-minimal.yml illustrates a simple CR for starting a Microcks installation on OpenShift with most common options

  • minikube-minimal.yml illustrates a simple CR for starting a Microcks installation on vanilla Kubernetes with most common options

  • openshift-no-mongo.yml illustrates how to reuse an existing MongoDB database, retrieving the credential for connecting from a pre-existing Secret

  • minikube-custom-tls.yml illustrates how to reuse existing Secrets to retrieve TLS certificates that will be used to secure the exposed Ingresses

  • minikube-annotations.yml illustrates how to specify annotations that will be placed on exposed Ingresses. Such annotations can - for example - trigger some certificates generation using Cert Manager

  • openshift-features.yml illustrates how to enable optional features like repository filtering or asynchronous mocking on an OpenShift cluster

  • minikube-features.yml illustrates how to enable optional features like repository filtering or asynchronous mocking on a vanilla Kubernetes cluster

Obviously, you can combine all of them together to enable any options ;-)


You can build the Operator locally using docker build command from root folder like below:

$ docker build -f build/Dockerfile -t quay.io/microcks/microcks-ansible-operator:latest .
Sending build context to Docker daemon    830kB
Step 1/11 : FROM quay.io/operator-framework/ansible-operator:v0.16.0
 ---> 19ba5006a265
Step 2/11 : USER root
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 02226b2f2469
Step 3/11 : RUN yum clean all && rm -rf /var/cache/yum/* && yum install -y openssl
 ---> Using cache
 ---> 66821ee710bf
Step 4/11 : USER 1001
 ---> Using cache
 ---> e834d11a5146
Step 5/11 : COPY requirements.yml ${HOME}/requirements.yml
 ---> Using cache
 ---> a30f7e13eb23
Step 6/11 : RUN ansible-galaxy collection install -r ${HOME}/requirements.yml     && chmod -R ug+rwx ${HOME}/.ansible
 ---> Using cache
 ---> f2da6036c197
Step 7/11 : COPY k8s/ ${HOME}/k8s/
 ---> 7751789e30be
Step 8/11 : COPY roles/ ${HOME}/roles/
 ---> ae0b2c73e730
Step 9/11 : COPY watches.yaml ${HOME}/watches.yaml
 ---> 062c84d985c6
Step 10/11 : COPY playbook.yml ${HOME}/playbook.yml
 ---> a8c0505e65b7
Step 11/11 : COPY ansible.cfg /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg
 ---> 7de212ab7289
Successfully built 7de212ab7289
Successfully tagged quay.io/microcks/microcks-ansible-operator:latest

Local tests

This Operator has been developed and tested using operator-sdk v0.16.0 and ansible 2.9.1

$ operator-sdk version
operator-sdk version: "v0.16.0", commit: "55f1446c5f472e7d8e308dcdf36d0d7fc44fc4fd", go version: "go1.14 darwin/amd64"

$ ansible --version
ansible 2.9.1
  config file = None
  configured module search path = ['/Users/lbroudou/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules']
  ansible python module location = /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/2.9.1/libexec/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ansible
  executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible
  python version = 3.7.5 (default, Nov  1 2019, 02:16:32) [Clang 11.0.0 (clang-1100.0.33.8)]

Ansible-runner module is required for local testing. You can install and set it up with following commands:

$ /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/2.9.1/libexec/bin/pip install ansible-runner-http openshift 
$ ln -s /usr/local/Cellar/ansible/2.9.1/libexec/bin/ansible-runner /usr/local/bin/ansible-runner

$ ansible-runner --version

Once done, local tests are possible using the following command:

$ operator-sdk run --local
INFO[0000] Running the operator locally in namespace microcks. 
{"level":"info","ts":1585060926.0604842,"logger":"cmd","msg":"Go Version: go1.14"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060926.060529,"logger":"cmd","msg":"Go OS/Arch: darwin/amd64"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060926.060534,"logger":"cmd","msg":"Version of operator-sdk: v0.16.0"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060926.063453,"logger":"cmd","msg":"Watching single namespace.","Namespace":"microcks"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.423823,"logger":"controller-runtime.metrics","msg":"metrics server is starting to listen","addr":""}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.424896,"logger":"watches","msg":"Environment variable not set; using default value","envVar":"WORKER_MICROCKSINSTALL_MICROCKS_GITHUB_IO","default":1}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.4249249,"logger":"watches","msg":"Environment variable not set; using default value","envVar":"ANSIBLE_VERBOSITY_MICROCKSINSTALL_MICROCKS_GITHUB_IO","default":2}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.42496,"logger":"cmd","msg":"Environment variable not set; using default value","Namespace":"microcks","envVar":"ANSIBLE_DEBUG_LOGS","ANSIBLE_DEBUG_LOGS":false}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.424971,"logger":"ansible-controller","msg":"Watching resource","Options.Group":"microcks.github.io","Options.Version":"v1alpha1","Options.Kind":"MicrocksInstall"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.4250722,"logger":"leader","msg":"Trying to become the leader."}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060928.425101,"logger":"leader","msg":"Skipping leader election; not running in a cluster."}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060932.8614569,"logger":"metrics","msg":"Skipping metrics Service creation; not running in a cluster."}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060935.078951,"logger":"proxy","msg":"Starting to serve","Address":""}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060935.079112,"logger":"controller-runtime.manager","msg":"starting metrics server","path":"/metrics"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060935.079189,"logger":"controller-runtime.controller","msg":"Starting EventSource","controller":"microcksinstall-controller","source":"kind source: microcks.github.io/v1alpha1, Kind=MicrocksInstall"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060935.183991,"logger":"controller-runtime.controller","msg":"Starting Controller","controller":"microcksinstall-controller"}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060935.184026,"logger":"controller-runtime.controller","msg":"Starting workers","controller":"microcksinstall-controller","worker count":1}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060938.4777331,"logger":"proxy","msg":"Skipping cache lookup","resource":{"IsResourceRequest":false,"Path":"/version","Verb":"get","APIPrefix":"","APIGroup":"","APIVersion":"","Namespace":"","Resource":"","Subresource":"","Name":"","Parts":null}}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060938.5031219,"logger":"proxy","msg":"Skipping cache lookup","resource":{"IsResourceRequest":false,"Path":"/version/openshift","Verb":"get","APIPrefix":"","APIGroup":"","APIVersion":"","Namespace":"","Resource":"","Subresource":"","Name":"","Parts":null}}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060938.522412,"logger":"proxy","msg":"Skipping cache lookup","resource":{"IsResourceRequest":false,"Path":"/apis","Verb":"get","APIPrefix":"","APIGroup":"","APIVersion":"","Namespace":"","Resource":"","Subresource":"","Name":"","Parts":null}}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060938.5421581,"logger":"proxy","msg":"Skipping cache lookup","resource":{"IsResourceRequest":false,"Path":"/apis","Verb":"get","APIPrefix":"","APIGroup":"","APIVersion":"","Namespace":"","Resource":"","Subresource":"","Name":"","Parts":null}}
{"level":"info","ts":1585060938.587947,"logger":"logging_event_handler","msg":"[playbook task]","name":"microcks","namespace":"microcks","gvk":"microcks.github.io/v1alpha1, Kind=MicrocksInstall","event_type":"playbook_on_task_start","job":"3916589616287113937","EventData.Name":"microcks : Get an existing MongoDB Secret"}

--------------------------- Ansible Task StdOut -------------------------------

TASK [microcks : Get an existing MongoDB Secret] *******************************
task path: /Users/lbroudou/Development/github/microcks-ansible-operator/roles/microcks/tasks/main.yml:12
