
NeIC SDA internal message broker in a docker image

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Archival notice

⚠️ This repository is no longer maintained. The code has been integrated and it is further developed at: https://github.com/neicnordic/sensitive-data-archive

NeIC SDA internal message broker in a docker image

We use RabbitMQ 3.8.16 including the management plugins.


The following environment variables can be used to configure the broker:

Variable Description
MQ_VHOST Default vhost other than /
MQ_USER Default user (with admin rights)
MQ_PASSWORD_HASH Password hash for the above user
CEGA_CONNECTION DSN URL for the shovels and federated queues with CentralEGA
MQ_SERVER_CERT Path to the server SSL certificate
MQ_SERVER_KEY Path to the server SSL key
MQ_CA Path to the CA root certificate
MQ_VERIFY Require the clients to have valid TLS certificates (verify_peer) or do not require clients to have certificates (verify_none)
NOTLS Run the server without TLS enabled (default is to run the server with TLS activated)

If you want persistent data, you can use a named volume or a bind-mount and make it point to /var/lib/rabbitmq.

Sample Docker Compose definition

version: '3.3'


    image: egarchive/lega-mq:latest
    hostname: mq
      - "5672:5672"
      - "15672:15672"
      - MQ_VHOST=vhost
      - MQ_USER=admin
      - MQ_PASSWORD_HASH=4tHURqDiZzypw0NTvoHhpn8/MMgONWonWxgRZ4NXgR8nZRBz
      - NOTLS=true

Run docker-compose up -d to test it.