
Characterize virus stocks

Primary LanguageShell


v2.2 by Jackie T.


Computing cluster access to kraken2, bowtie2, samtools, and R modules are required. Local installations have not been tested.

Package Version
kraken2 2.1.2
bowtie2 2.4.2
htslib 1.18
samtools 1.18
R 4.0.2

Quick start

1. Download repo

Cloning this repo will create a directory holding the pipeline script and assorted files. Move to the directory where you'd like to save the pipeline; here, we're using workflows/.

cd workflows/
git clone https://github.com/neidl-connor-lab/virus-shotgun.git
cd virus-shotgun

2. Run setup.sh to set up LoFreq, Kraken2, R, and make an index

Create an alignment index from a reference sequence FASTA file, and write it to pipeline/indices/. Most viruses have an official NCBI RefSeq. This script will also set up LoFreq and the standard Kraken2 database in your pipeline/ directory. It will also install the necessary R libraries (argparse and tidyverse).

Run setup.sh with the -h flag to view the full list of options.

./setup.sh -h
Flag Argument
-P SCC project
-N job name
-f genome reference FASTA file
-b bowtie2 index ID
usage: qsub -P PROJECT -N JOBNAME ./setup.sh -f FASTA -b BOWTIE

  -f virus genome FASTA file
  -b bowtie2 index path and prefix
  -h show this message and exit

Here is an example where we download the SARS-CoV-2 RefSeq and then run setup.sh. If this is your first time running setup.sh in the directory, it will unpack LoFreq and set up the standard Kraken2 database as well!

# download and decompress the reference
wget https://ftp.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/genomes/genbank/viral/Severe_acute_respiratory_syndrome-related_coronavirus/latest_assembly_versions/GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3/GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.gz
gunzip GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna.gz

# move the reference into your pipeline directory for safekeeping
mv GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna pipeline/

# submit the indexing job
qsub -P project \
     -N test-index \
     setup.sh \
     -f pipeline/GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna \
     -b sarscov2

# wait until the job is done
qstat -u $(whoami)

# check out the pipeline directory!
ls pipeline/*

If you would like to make another index, just run setup.sh again! It will be much faster the second time since it will skip the Lofreq and Kraken2 setup.

3. Run pipeline

You must run this script from cloned project directory used in step 2.

View pipeline options and required arguments by running pipeline.sh with the -h flag.

$ pipeline.sh -h
usage: qsub -P PROJECT -N JOBNAME ./pipeline.sh -i INDEX -f FASTA -o ODIR -s SAMPLE -x R1 [-y R2] [-t THLD]
Please submit the job from the pipeline directory!

  -i bowtie2 index path and prefix
  -f reference FASTA
  -o output directory
  -s sample ID
  -x FASTQ file; R1 file if paired reads
  -y [OPTIONAL] R2 FASTQ file if paired reads
  -t [OPTIONAL] minimum aligned read depth (default: 10)
  -h print this message and exit

The help message indicates the required arguments and how to pass them:

Flag Argument
-P SCC project
-N job name
-i path to index created in step 2
-f reference FASTA file
-o output directory
-x path to R1 or unpaired FASTQ file
-y path to R2 FASTQ file (paired-read only)
-t minimum aligned read depth threshold

Here is an example where we're using the index we created in step 2. The job output will be written to a file named log-test.qlog. Fill in your own project allocation and FASTQ files!

qsub -P project \
     -N test-pipeline \
     pipeline.sh \
     -i pipeline/indices/sarscov2 \
     -f pipeline/GCA_009858895.3_ASM985889v3_genomic.fna \
     -o data \
     -s test \
     -x test-r1.fq.gz \
     -y test-r2.fq.gz \
     -t 50

Pipeline steps

1. Check for contaminants

Raw reads are passed to Kraken2 for metagenomic classification using the standard Kraken database constructed when running setup.sh for the first time.

Flag Meaning
--threads parallelize this job
--db path to database
--output raw output filename
--report report filename
--use-names use taxon names
--paired paired reads
*.fq.gz input file(s)
# paired
kraken2 --threads 4 --db pipeline/kraken2db --output - --report odir/sample/metagenomics.tsv --use-names --paired paired-r1.fq.gz paired-r2.fq.gz

# unpaired
kraken2 --threads 4 --db pipeline/kraken2db --output - --report odir/sample/metagenomics.tsv --use-names unpaired.fq.gz

2. Align to reference

Raw FASTQ files are aligned to the previously-constructed reference using Bowtie2. All output files are placed in a subdirectory named with the sample ID.

Flag Meaning
--threads parallelize this job
-x index path and prefix
-1 (paired) R1 FASTQ file
-2 (paired) R2 FASTQ file
-U (unpaired) FASTQ file
*.sam uncompressed alignment
*.log bowtie2 output stats
# paired
bowtie2 --threads 4 -x 'pipeline/bowtie/index' -1 'paired-r1.fq.gz' -2 'paired-r2.fq.gz' 1> 'odir/sample/alignment.sam' 2> 'odir/sample/bowtie2.log'

# unpaired
bowtie2 --threads 4 -x 'pipeline/bowtie/index' -U 'unpaired.fq.gz' 1> 'odir/sample/alignment.sam' 2> 'odir/sample/bowtie2.log'

The uncompressed SAM output is then compressed to BAM format.

# compress
samtools view --threads 4 -b -h 'odir/sample/alignment.sam' > 'odir/sample/alignment-raw.bam'

3. Process alignment

These steps prep the alignment file for coverage, SNV, and consensus calling. We use samtools to sort the BAM, LoFreq to score insertions and deletions, and then samtools again to index the alignment.

Flag Meaning
--threads parallelize this job
*-clipped.bam alignment from step 2
*-sorted.bam sorted alignment
--dindel algorithm for scoring indels
--ref reference FASTA file
alignment.bam final alignment file
samtools sort --threads 4 'odir/sample/alignment-clipped.bam' > 'odir/sample/alignment-sorted.bam'

lofreq indelqual --dindel --ref 'reference.fa' 'odir/sample/alignment-sorted.bam' > 'odir/sample/alignment.bam'

samtools index 'odir/sample/id.bam'

4. Calculate coverage

The samtools depth command calculates the aligned read depth for each nucleotide of the genome used for alignment. The output is an easy-to-analyze TSV table.

Flag Meaning
--threads parallelize this job
-a include all nucleotides
-H include a file header
alignment.bam final alignment file
coverage.tsv coverage table
samtools depth --threads 4 -a -H 'odir/sample/alignment.bam' > 'odir/sample/coverage.tsv'

5. Assemble consensus

The samtools consensus command assembles a consensus by examining the reads aligned to each nucleotide in the reference sequence and calling the most frequent allele.

Flag Meaning
--threads parallelize this job
--use-qual use quality scores
--min-depth minimum aligned read depth
--call-fract minimum SNV frequency
--output output FASTA file
alignment.bam final aligment file
samtools consensus --threads 4 --use-qual --min-depth 10 --call-fract 0.5 --output 'odir/sample/consensus.fa' 'odir/sample/alignment.bam'

6. Quantify SNVs

Use LoFreq to make a detailed table of consensus and sub-consensus SNVs.

Flag Meaning
--pp-threads parallelize this job
--call-indels include indels in output
--min-cov minimum aligned read depth
--ref reference FASTA file
alignment.bam final alignment file
snvs.vcf output VCF
lofreq call-parallel --pp-threads 4 --call-indels --min-cov 10 --ref 'reference.fa' 'odir/sample/alignment.bam' > 'odir/sample/snvs.vcf'

Use R to format the VCF file into a more human-readable CSV format.

Flag Meaning
--vcf LoFreq VCF
--ofile CSV output
Rscript pipeline/format.r --vcf 'odir/sample/snvs.vcf' --ofile 'odir/sample/snvs.csv'