
Cafe Nomad Telegram Bot helping you find cafe store.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Telegram Cafe Nomad

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This is telegram bot for helping you find cafe store, thanks howtomakeaturn provide API.


First, You need have Telegram account!

  1. Send /newbot command for @BotFather to create new Bot after you will get bot token.

  2. Setting your Bot Token and Google Maps API Token into .env, we have sample .env.example for reference.

  3. Running yarn install for installation dependencies.

  4. After install, you can run yarn start for boot up Telegram Bot.

$ yarn install
$ yarn start


  • /start - Start telegram bot.
  • /help - List all command what you can use.
  • /list - List all city.
  • /choose - Click button choose a city.
  • /where cityName - You will get random five cafe stores information in that city.
  • /location - Getting your position and check your city whether in API list, based on your location use Google Maps API calculate close to you cafe store.


Cafe Nomad


You can deploy Telegram Bot on 𝚫 now or Heroku platform, before deploy bot, you need setting environment variables on .env.


$ yarn run lint


Use prettier for formatting our codes.

$ yarn run format


$ yarn test

Cafe Nomad API

Cafe Nomad API 1.0 Version



MIT © Peng Jie