
Brainstorm is a Flask app that provides a natural language interface for solving problems. It uses a machine learning model to generate questions that help clarify the problem, and then generates solutions based on the user's answers to those questions.


To install Brainstorm, clone the repository and install the dependencies using pip:

git clone
cd bluepail-apps

Optionally, you can create and use a virtual environment to avoid installing the dependencies globally:

python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

Then, install the dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt


To run the app, use the following command:


This will start the Flask development server on port 5000. You can access the app by navigating to http://localhost:5000 in your web browser.


Brainstorm provides a REST API for accessing its functionality. The following endpoints are available:

  • /api/v1/consultant/clarify: Generates clarification questions for a given problem description.
    • Example Payload:
          "problem-description": "I'm having trouble understanding recursion in programming."
    • Example Response:
          "questions": [
              "What part of recursion do you find most confusing?",
              "Have you tried solving problems using recursion?",
              "Do you understand the concept of a base case in recursion?"
  • /api/v1/consultant/solve: Generates solutions for a given problem description and set of clarification answers.
    • Example Payload:
          "problem-description": "I'm having trouble understanding recursion in programming.",
          "clarification-answers": [
                  "question": "What part of recursion do you find most confusing?",
                  "answer": "I don't understand how the function calls itself without causing an infinite loop."
                  "question": "Have you tried solving problems using recursion?",
                  "answer": "Yes, but I always end up with stack overflow errors."
                  "question": "Do you understand the concept of a base case in recursion?",
                  "answer": "I think so, it's the condition that stops the recursion, right?"
          "number-of-solutions": 3
    • Note: The number-of-solutions field is optional and defaults to 3.
    • Example Response:
          "solutions": [
              "Try visualizing the recursion with a diagram or a stack of cards to understand how it works.",
              "Practice with simple problems first, like calculating factorial or fibonacci numbers using recursion.",
              "Remember to always define a base case that will stop the recursion. Without it, you will indeed get an infinite loop and a stack overflow error."


Brainstorm is licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.