
Godot failed to build solution on windows because of Rect3.cs

MadIcecream opened this issue · 10 comments

The error log is Rect3.cs(104, 59): the nameof doesnt exist.

It was using .NET FW's msbuild on Windows, and yours does not seem to support C# 6. I just added an option to select the build tool in editor settings ("mono/builds/build_tool"). The default one is Mono's msbuild.

BTW, I have this issue with Mono's msbuild on Windows 7 x64. If you get the same problem, switch the option to xbuild for now.

Now my build is 162dbdc with 4f39ce3 of godot.
On win7 x64, I have that issue too with mono msbuild, but xbuild cannot build neither.
xbuild just told me failed to build, the log is blank.
If I xbuild /p:Configuration=Release GodotSharp.sln from cmd, the error log is CSC: error CS0041: Unexpected error writing debug information -- 'The ve rsion of Windows PDB writer is older than required: 'diasymreader.dll''
BTW, xbuild /p:Configuration=Debug GodotSharp.sln succeed, though godot doesnt seem to want the debug version binary.

And I think I found why I cannot build solution with .net msbuild.
Godot doesn't get the path to the MOST RECENT msbuild since it gets the path from "SOFTWARE\Microsoft\MSBuild\ToolsVersions\4.0"
Maybe we should try this method:

Oh, right. It should be 14.0 not 4.0. It needs to check vswhere as well.

Should be working after 254d011

Still cannot work, the log just said it throw an error.

If you hover that log it should show a tooltip with the exception message.

qq 20170930211304
It's too long to show....
Those chinese words means "System cannot find the file specified"

This is fixed on master. I wish tooltips were smarter about that.