The behaviour of Vector3.rotated() is different in C# than in GDScript
MadIcecream opened this issue · 1 comments
MadIcecream commented
C# code:
var test = new Vector3(100, 100, 100);
GD.print("CSharp: " + test.rotated(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Mathf.deg2rad(60)));
GDScript code:
var test = Vector3(100,100,100)
print("GD: %s" % test.rotated(Vector3(0,1,0), deg2rad(60)))
GD: (136.602539, 100, -36.602551)
CSharp: (-36.60255, 100, 136.6025)
Deleted user commented
This is a part of #49 for reference