Webpack Demo template for fbi-v2.x
Simple scafford for web application
Features: es2015/2016(babel), webpack 2, postcss, static server(koa 2).
$ npm i -g fbi
$ git clone git@github.com:neikvon/fbi-template-webpack2.git
$ npm install
$ fbi b
$ fbi b -p
$ fbi w
$ fbi s
$ fbi c
You can add more tasks.
$ cd path/to/fbi-template-webpack2
$ fbi atm
$ fbi ls
# output:
# Tasks:
# b, build -t
# c, clean -t
# s, serve -t
# w, watch -t
# b, build
# c, clean
# s, serve
# w, watch
# Templates:
# ★ webpack2 <current> - Simple, es2015 + webpack + postcss.
means local tasks.-t
means template tasks;-g
means global tasks;
You can specify a template task use fbi [task] -t
By the way, you can check the task content use fbi cat [task] -t
More help: fbi -h
$ cd path/to/other/folder
$ fbi init webpack2
you can use all the template tasks now.