Running Test via Python3 Virtual Env

Pre-requisite: python3 should be installed in the machine

  1. Create virtual env:

python3 -m venv bookingenv

  1. Activate Environment:

source bookingenv/bin/activate

  1. Install Package dependencies:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

  1. Install playwright:

playwright install

  1. Run the test case: use command with --headed if wants to run with actual browser

python3 -m pytest --headed tests/

python3 -m pytest tests/

Running Test via docker

Pre-requisite: docker should be installed in the machine

  1. Make a build

make build

  1. Run the test

make test

Some Notes:

  • Make sure the date selected in the test file is in the future
  • if docker fails, check if playwright image has a new version