
(WIP) Serve a RESTful API from any MongoDB database.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Serve a RESTful API from any MongoDB database.



MangoREST aims to speed up serving RESTful APIs for CRUD apps utilizing MongoDB. It is built with Flask and pymongo, and is designed to simplify setting up the backend as much as possible but also giving room for extensibility.

Inspired by the giants RESTHEART (written in Java), and PostgREST (written in Haskell).

Table of Contents

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Get Started

There is no hard-ruled step-by-step guide on how to get MangoREST up and running since it actually depends on the deployment strategy. Read the Installation and Deployment section for some deployment options. Remember that MangoREST is just a Flask app.

There are specific things that must be done though to start using MangoREST. One, is to provide configuration (see Configuration section for the config parameters). Also, the MangoREST user collection and at least one user must be created (see Authentication section).


MangoREST configuration is set using environment variables to determine the database information and ways on how to serve REST client requests. Reading from a .env file is supported. Here is the complete list of configuration parameters:


Optional. Sets the context to where Flask is running in. Setting to development will enable debug mode. Flask default setting is production.

Reference: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/config/#environment-and-debug-features


Required. Used to specify how to load the application. Must be set to mangorest:app. Please do change accordingly if customizing/extending MangoREST.

Reference: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/cli/


Required. This will be used to sign JWT access tokens needed for MangoREST's default auth using JWT. Read the Authentication section for the details. If summoning a terminal isn't your thing (woah), you may quickly generate a secret key using this web tool https://djecrety.ir/


Required. For the database connection.

Reference(1): https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/connection-string/

Reference(2): https://pymongo.readthedocs.io/en/stable/api/pymongo/mongo_client.html#pymongo.mongo_client.MongoClient


Required. Name of the database to be exposed to REST clients. MangoREST only allows a single database to be specified. This database should already exist. The name itself will not be exposed.


Required. A sequence of resource_name:collection_name pairs separated by commas. To avoid exposing the database's collection names, the resource_names will be used for the API endpoints. Map a resource_name to the name of the collection that will be exposed to REST clients. These collections should already exist even if they are still empty.

If you don't care exposing ALL collections and their collection names, you can use an asterisk wildcard *. The collection names themselves will be the resource_name to be used for the API endpoints.


Optional. Name of the collection that will be used for storing data of MangoREST users created thru CLI. Default: mangorest_users. This does not need to exist beforehand. MangoREST will create the collection if not yet existing. Read the Authentication section for more details.

Example Config

Here is an example config taken from the .env.example file in this repo:


Installation and Deployment

MangoREST is just a Flask app. Therefore, ways to deploy Flask also apply to deploying MangoREST.

Reference: https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/2.0.x/deploying/index.html

This section presents a few of the quick deployment options for MangoREST.

Deploy to Heroku with One-Click button

A quick and easy way to deploy and configure MangoREST as a Heroku app.


Deploy to Render with One-Click button

A quick and easy way to deploy and configure MangoREST as a Render app. Note that Render asks for Payment Information (if you haven't provided yet) when deploying thru One-Click button. But if deploying step-by-step thru the Render dashboard, no Payment Information will be asked.

Deploy to Render



Install as a package + gunicorn



This section discusses the auth sytem that comes with installing MangoREST. You can absolutely ditch this and implement your own.

JWT Auth

First, please don't forget to provide a JWT_SECRET_KEY for the application. By default, authentication is required to send POST, PATCH, and DELETE to certain endpoints. The Flask-JWT-Extended extension is used to create and verify JWTs.

MangoREST provides a CLI that includes a command for creating users. Use mangorest createuser [username] command. This will prompt for a password and password confirmation. If it succeeds, the username and password can now be used to authenticate and access protected routes. Send a POST to /login endpoint to authenticate. This will respond with a JWT access token.

Re: User registration

No REST API endpoint is available fo user registration. If needed though, this can be easily set up by using functions in the mangorest.auth module.

from mangorest import auth, config, services

def register_user():
    username = request.json.get("username", None)
    password = request.json.get("password", None)

    new_user_oid = auth.create_user(

    parsed_oid = services.parse_object_id(new_user_id)

    return jsonify({"username": username, **parsed_oid}), 201


As a summary for this section, here are the authentication-related endpoints:

Endpoint Description
POST /login Send username and password; returns JWT token
GET /me Provide JWT token in Authorization header; returns the username of the authenticated user
POST /register If set up like the above, send username and password; returns the username and oid of the newly created user


Routes provide GET, POST, PATCH, DELETE verbs. By default, only GET is available publicly, the rest require authentication. Read Authentication section for authentication details. Please note that all enpoints are within /api which is automatically prepended by MangoREST.

Querying Collections

A collection can be queried using the resource name mapped to it. For example, getting all the documents of the collection named rocket_engines with a mapped resource name of rockets:

GET /api/rockets

Results can be filtered by appending query string parameters:

GET /api/rockets?country=USA&thrust_to_weight_ratio=gte[int].50

This translates to "get the rockets with country of USA and has thrust to weight ratio of greater than or equal to 50".

Let's examine the query string above: country=USA&thrust_to_weight_ratio=gte[int].50

The country param corresponds to the country field in the documents of rocket_engines collection. It has an equality condition of USA. We then have an ampersand & which is a way to logically conjoin multiple parameters. Now, the thrust_to_weight_ratio param has a value with a special syntax: gte[int].50.

gte corresponds to mongodb's $gte comparison query operator. Then, [int] is a type hint which instructs MangoREST that the value is an integer. Finally, we have a dot "." followed by the value 50.

All of mongodb's comparison and logical query operators are supported. Just remove the $ symbol when using them in the query string. But you may be asking more about the type hint thing. Pleae read the Type Hints section for the explanation.

The above query can also be done like this:

GET /api/rockets?and=(country.eq[str].USA,thrust_to_weight_ratio.gte[int].50)

This query string syntax instructs MangoREST to get the results by using mongodb's $and logical query operator. The expressions are separated by commas, and each expression is in the form of field_name.operator[type-hint].value.

PROJECTION. To specify only a subset of fields of the documents to be returned, use the _projection param.

GET /api/rockets?country=USA&_projection=name,cycle,burn_time,propellant

SORT. To sort the query results, use the _sort param. The query below sorts by 2 fields.

GET /api/rockets?country=USA&_sort=(name:ascending),(burn_time:ascending)

LIMIT. To limit the number of results, use the _limit param.

GET /api/rockets?country=USA&_sort=(name:ascending)&_limit=10

SKIP. To skip some documents (usually for pagination), use the _skip param.

GET /api/rockets?country=USA&_skip=10

Getting a Document

MangoREST currently only supports getting a single document thru its ObjectId.

GET /api/rockets/6195b0eb829a2784b4459a7f

Inserting and Updating

Create and Update operations can only be done by authenticated users.

SINGLE INSERT. Using the rocket_engine collection above, create a new document as shown below. This responds with 201 CREATED with the newly created document's _id if succcessful.

POST /api/rockets

{"name":"RD-180", "country":"Russia", "thrust_to_weight_ratio": 78, "manufacturer": "NPO Energomash"}

BULK INSERTS. To insert multiple documents into a collection, pass an array of objects. This responds with 201 CREATED with an array of the newly created documents' _ids if succcessful.

POST /api/rockets

        "name": "RD-360",
        "country": "North Pole",
        "thrust_to_weight_ratio": 150,
        "manufacturer": "Energomasher",
        "name": "RD-270",
        "country": "Antarctica",
        "thrust_to_weight_ratio": 110,
        "manufacturer": "Energomasher",

SINGLE UPDATE. To update a document, use PATCH and specify the fields to be updated. This responds with 204 NO CONTENT if succcessful.

PATCH /api/rockets/61a30c07032f56ecef3c845e

    "manufacturer": "Energomasher Luna"
    "thrust_to_weight_ratio": 150

BULK UPDATES. Use PATCH to the collection for updating multiple documents. Request body must specify update operators. The _projection, _sort, _limit, _skip query params are ignored. Updating an unfiltered collection will be considered a fatal action and will respond with 403 FORBIDDEN. Successful update will return 200 OK.

PATCH /api/rockets?manufacturer=Energomasher

  "$set": {
    "country": "Moon"


SINGLE DELETE. To delete a single document, do as shown below. This responds with 204 NO CONTENT if succcessful.

DELETE /api/rockets/61a30c07032f56ecef3c845e

BULK DELETES. Use DELETE to the collection for multiple deletes. The _projection, _sort, _limit, _skip query params are ignored. Deleting an unfiltered collection will be considered a fatal action and will respond with 403 FORBIDDEN. Successful delete will return 200 OK.

DELETE /api/rockets?manufacturer=Energomasher

Type Hints

Type hints must be used in query strings to correctly filter the data to be returned. This is necessary since MangoREST currently does not generate or maintain a schema of the collection as a reference for the types. This section presents the ways type hints are used.

For fields with NON-STRING values

Queries where the field type is expected to be a string such as GET /api/rockets?country=Antarctica does not need any type hinting. On the other hand, type hints are needed if a field type is expected to be other than a string. Such examples are:

GET /api/rockets?is_active=[bool].true

GET /api/rockets?thrust_to_weight_ratio=[int].70

When using comparison query operators

Comparison query operators such as eq, gt, lte can be used in the query string. However, type hint must be provided to correctly filter the data.

GET /api/rockets?thrust_to_weight_ratio=lt[int].70

GET /api/rockets?company=eq[str].Rocket+Lab&thrust_to_weight_ratio=gte[int].50

Some operators expect an array as the value such as in and nin. Array elements can be type hinted by:

GET /api/rockets?country=in[list-str].[North+Pole,Moon,Antarctica]

When using logical query operators

Logical query operators such as and, or can be used in the query string. Type hints must be provided.

GET /api/rockets?and=(thrust_to_weight_ratio.gt[int].70,country.eq[str].North+Pole,is_active.eq[bool].true)

Type Hinting notation

To conclude this section, here are the type hints you can use in query strings.

Hint Description/Python Type
int integer
float float
bool boolean
str string
date datetime.date
time datetime.time
datetime datetime.datetime
timedelta datetime.timedelta
list-int Array with integer elements
list-float Array with float elements
list-str Array with string elements
list-date Array with datetime.date elements
list-time Array with datetime.time elements
list-datetime Array with datetime.datetime elements
list-timedelta Array with datetime.timedelta elements


The project uses poetry to package and manage dependencies. After activating a virtual environment, run:

(.venv)$ poetry install

A compose-devdb.yml is provided for developing and testing. It is recommended to use the param values in the .env.example file when developing and testing.

Start containers:

(.venv)$ docker-compose -f compose-devdb.yml up -d --build

Then, run tests:

(.venv)$ pytest

Please do linting:

bash scripts/lint-check.sh

And fix formatting:

bash scripts/format.sh