
Installing OPNSense on the Cyberoam CR15ing hardware firewall appliance

OPNSense on the Cyberoam-CR15ing

This is an x64_64 based machine 3x gigabit LAN ports, a CF Card Slot, a SATA port and 2GB RAM. It looks like this inside:


Hooking up a Cisco-style console cable give access to the serial console (they are usually this light-blue color):


There is also a 4-pin power connector next to the SATA port. The pinout is 12v-GND-GND-5v. I had no trouble powering a 2.5" SSD or hard drive from the 5v rail.


Fire up your favorite console software (I'm using minicom) and set the baud rate to 9600. You'll see a prompt where you've got about a second to press DEL to get into the BIOS.

       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.       
    Main  Advanced  Chipset  Boot  Security  Save & Exit                        
|  BIOS Information                                  |Set the Date. Use Tab    |
|  BIOS Vendor             American Megatrends       |to switch between Data   |
|  Core Version                     |elements.                |
|  Compliancy              UEFI 2.0                  |                         |
|  Project Version         C6979103                  |                         |
|  Build Date and Time     02/06/2013 16:22:41       |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|  Memory Information                                |                         |
|  Total Memory             2048 MB (DDR3)           |                         |
|                                                    |-------------------------|
|                                                    |><: Select Screen        |
|  System Date             [Thu 08/26/2021]          |^v: Select Item          |
|  System Time             [02:10:26]                |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|  Access Level            Administrator             |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |F2: Previous Values      |
|                                                    |F3: Optimized Defaults   |
|                                                    |F4: Save & Exit          |
|                                                    |ESC: Exit                |
        Version 2.11.1210. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.        

Some CPU Information

       Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.       
|  Node0: AMD G-T24L Processor                       |                         |
|  Single Core Running @ 1010 MHz  1062 mV           |                         |
|  Max Speed:1000 MHZ    Intended Speed:1000 MHZ     |                         |
|  Min Speed:615 MHZ                                 |                         |
|  Microcode Patch Level: 5000101                    |                         |
|                                                    |                         |
|  --------- Cache per Core ---------                |                         |
|  L1 Instruction Cache: 32 KB/8-way                 |                         |
|         L1 Data Cache: 32 KB/2-way                 |                         |
|              L2 Cache: 512 KB/16-way               |-------------------------|
|  No L3 Cache Present                               |><: Select Screen        |
|                                                    |^v: Select Item          |
|                                                    |Enter: Select            |
|                                                    |+/-: Change Opt.         |
|                                                    |F1: General Help         |
|                                                    |F2: Previous Values      |
|                                                    |F3: Optimized Defaults   |
|                                                    |F4: Save & Exit          |
|                                                    |ESC: Exit                |
        Version 2.11.1210. Copyright (C) 2011 American Megatrends, Inc.        

The BIOS is unlocked and appears to be able to boot from USB however I couldn't get this to work (at least not with the OPNsense installer) and got fed up trying different combinations, so instead I used a linux box, USB-SATA adaptor and qemu:

sudo qemu-system-x86_64 -accel kvm -nographic -hda OPNsense-21.7.1-OpenSSL-serial-amd64.img -hdb /dev/<YOUR-DISK> -m 2048

The default OPNsense password is 'opnsense'.

Get into the Cyberoam BIOS, and change the SATA mode to AHCI. Choose save and exit then switch your baud to 115200. You should see OPNSense booting. There is a BIOS option to change the baud rate but I wan't game to try it.

The interfaces come up in the correct order:

em0 -> LAN
em1 -> WAN
em2 -> DMZ