
CLI tool to manage creation of github secrets

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Github Secrets

A CLI utility to populate github secrets from a line based text file or stream

Note: The Github CLI now supports secret creation and should be used instead.


npm install -g @neilbmclaughlin/github-secrets


❯ github-secrets --help
github-secrets <cmd> [options]

  github-secrets put [filename]     upsert repository secrets from either a file or stdin
  github-secrets delete [filename]  delete repository secrets from either a file or stdin

  --help     Show help            [boolean]
  --version  Show version number  [boolean]

  Put secrets from a file of space separated name-value pairs:
  github-secrets put -a {token} -o {owner} -r {repo} test/data/env2
  Put a single secret:
  echo "foo bar" | github-secrets put -a {token} -o {owner} -r {repo}
  Put secrets from an .env format file with comments filtered out:
  egrep -v '^[ ]*#' test/data/env | github-secrets put -a {token} -o {owner} -r {repo} -s= test/data/env
  Delete secrets from a file:
  cut -f1 -d' ' test/data/env2 | github-secrets delete -a {access} -o {owner} -r {repo}
  Put secrets from a URL (which should not be public!):
  curl -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/neilbmclaughlin/github-secrets/main/test/data/env2 | github-secrets put -a {token} -o {owner} -r {repo}

Options can also be specified in env vars prepended with 'GITHUB_SECRETS' (e.g. GITHUB_SECRETS_ACCESS_TOKEN, GITHUB_SECRETS_OWNER)

Put Secrets

❯ github-secrets put --help
github-secrets put [filename]

upsert repository secrets from either a file or stdin

      --help          Show help                                        [boolean]
      --version       Show version number                              [boolean]
  -s, --separator     key-value pair separator                    [default: " "]
  -a, --access-token  Github personal access token                    [required]
  -o, --owner         Github repository owner (defaults to access token owner)
  -r, --repository    Github repository

Delete Secrets

❯ github-secrets delete --help
github-secrets delete [filename]

delete repository secrets from either a file or stdin

      --help          Show help                                        [boolean]
      --version       Show version number                              [boolean]
  -a, --access-token  Github personal access token                    [required]
  -o, --owner         Github repository owner (defaults to access token owner)
  -r, --repository    Github repository