
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Threads Repository


Hi, I'm Neil, a freelance data professional and founder of Shoogle, a company helping people up their data skills.

This repository contains code from various R themed threads I have posted on my twitter along with videos which I have recorded for some of the threads.

  • For online courses, training and consultancy visit my website shoogle.co

  • Subscribe to my YouTube channel for videos on R and data science @shoogle youtube.com/@shoogle

  • Follow me on Twitter for weekly threads on data and coding @neilgcurrie twitter.com/neilgcurrie

Topics covered

The code for each topic can be found in the above repositories, numbered by ID. Details are in the table below.

ID Title Description Link to Thread Link to Code Link to Video
0027 Data pipelines with targets Intro to targets package Go to Thread Go to Code
0026 Factors Mastering factors with R Go to Thread Go to Code
0025 Pivoting How to pivot with tidyr Go to Thread Go to Code
0024 Mapping How to use the map family of functions from the purrr packages Go to Thread Go to Code
0023 Stages of a data science project 5 stage framework of analysis projects Go to thread No code thread only
0022 Error handling with purrr How to handle errors in R using safely and possibly from purrr Go to thread Go to Code
0021 GitHub and R An introduction to using GitHub with R Go to Thread No code thread only
0020 Web scraping An introduction to web scraping HTML websites with rvest Go to Thread Go to Code Go to Video
0019 Writing functions When and how to write great functions in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0018 Dependency management with renv Reproducible package version management with renv Go to Thread Go to Code
0017 Documenting code in R How to document your code, including packages with roxygen2 Go to Thread Go to code
0016 Creating a package in R Steps on how to organise your analysis as a package Go to Thread No code thread only
0015 Unit testing in R How to write unit tests in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0014 DuckDB in R An intro to using DuckDB with R Go to Thread Go to Code
0013 Parquet Files in R An intro to what parquet files are and how to use them in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0012 Data Wrangling with Arrow in R Using the arrow package for manipulating big data with Apache Arrow in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0011 8 Data Vis Tips with ggplot2 Using ggplot2 to demonstrate some opinionated data vis tips Go to Thread Go to Code
0010 Dumbbell Plots Using ggplot2 to build dumbbell plots Go to Thread Go to Code
0009 Spreadsheets in R Using the openxlsx package for building spreadsheets in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0008 Timing Code Using Sys.time, the tictoc package and the microbenchmark package for timing code Go to Thread Go to Code
0007 Parallel Processing Using the furrr package for iterating in parallel Go to Thread Go to Code
0006 Joins with Spark in R Using the sparklyr package for joining big data with Spark in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0005 Modelling with Spark in R Using the sparklyr package for regression modelling on big data with Spark in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0004 Data Wrangling with Spark in R Using the sparklyr package for manipulating big data with Spark in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0003 Classification Trees Using the tidymodels suite of packages for training and testing classification trees Go to Thread Go to Code
0002 UUIDs Using universally unique identifiers for datasets in R Go to Thread Go to Code
0001 SQLite in R Using the RSQLite and DBI packages for creating, updating and quering a SQLite database from R Go to Thread Go to Code Go to Video