
jq for Jackson Java JSON Processor

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


jq for Jackson JSON Processor



Just add jackson-jq in your pom.xml.



  • Java 8 or later


Basic Example

ObjectMapper MAPPER = new ObjectMapper();

JsonQuery q = JsonQuery.compile("{ids:[.ids|split(\",\")[]|tonumber|.+100],name}");

JsonNode in = MAPPER.readTree("{\"ids\":\"12,15,23\",\"name\":\"jackson\",\"timestamp\":1418785331123}");
// {"ids": "12,15,23", "name": "jackson", "timestamp": 1418785331123}

List<JsonNode> result = q.apply(in);
// [{"ids": [112, 115, 123], "name": "jackson"}]

Exposing Java variables

Scope scope = new Scope();
scope.setValue("headers", MAPPER.readTree("{\"base\":10}"));
JsonQuery q = JsonQuery.compile("$headers.base + 3");
List<JsonNode> result = q.apply(scope, NullNode.getInstance());
// [13]

Defining custom functions

Scope scope = new Scope();
scope.addFunction("repeat", 1, new Function() {
	public List<JsonNode> apply(Scope scope, List<JsonQuery> args, JsonNode in) throws JsonQueryException {
		final List<JsonNode> out = new ArrayList<>();
		for (JsonNode arg : args.get(0).apply(in))
			out.add(new TextNode(Strings.repeat(in.asText(), arg.asInt())));
		return out;
JsonQuery q = JsonQuery.compile(".name|repeat(3)");
List<JsonNode> result = q.apply(scope, MAPPER.readTree("{\"name\":\"a\"}"));
// ["aaa"]

Using a jackson-jq command line tool

We provide a CLI tool for testing a jackson-jq query. The tool has to be build with mvn package, but alternatively, Homebrew (or Linuxbrew) users can just brew tap eiiches/jackson-jq && brew install jackson-jq and jackson-jq will be available on $PATH.

$ bin/jackson-jq '.foo' <<< '{"foo":10}'

See bin/jackson-jq --help for more information.

Differences between jq and jackson-jq

Here is a current status of differences between jackson-jq and the jq. If you find something not in this list, please report an issue.

  • Missing language features in jackson-jq

    • Breaking out of control structures

      • jq once had label-less break in reduce and foreach in the master branch, but the feature was removed without ever being shipped as jq-1.5. Actually, jackson-jq implemented it then and still has it. Proper label $out and break $out syntax will be implemented in the future version of jackson-jq. e.g)
        • jackson-jq -n '(1,2,3) | label $out | if . == 2 then break $out else . end' does not work.
    • Complex assignments

      • Currently, complex assignments only work when the left-hand side is a simple field access. Won't work if select/1 or any filters are used in left-hand side. e.g)
        • jackson-jq '.a[]|.b += 10' <<< '{"a": [{"b": 1}, {"b": 2}]} does work.
        • jackson-jq '.a[]|select(.b>1) += 10' <<< '{"a": [{"b": 1}, {"b": 2}]}' does not work.
    • Modules

    • Streaming

    • I/O

    • {$foo} syntax, a syntactic sugar for {foo:$foo} (#24)

  • Missing functions in jackson-jq

    • Datetime functions: fromdate/0, mktime/0, gmtime/0
    • Path manipulation functions: getpath/1, setpath/2 and delpaths/1
    • Others:
      • env/0
      • bsearch/1
      • and more
  • Known corner cases

    • When the function with the same name is defined more than once in the same-level scope, jackson-jq uses the last one. e.g) def f: 1; def g: f; def f: 2; g evaluates to 2 in jackson-jq, while jq evaluates it to 1.

Additionally, test cases used in jackson-jq (mostly from the jq unit tests) might be useful to learn exactly what queries are working and what are not working.

Using jackson-jq-extra module

jackson-jq-extra module provides extra functions that you might find useful. These functions do not exist in jq.





  • jackson-jq -n 'uuid4' #=> "a69cf146-f40e-42e1-ae88-12590bdae947"


  • jackson-jq -n 'random' #=> 0.43292159535427466

timestamp/0, strptime/{1, 2}, strftime/{1, 2}

  • jackson-jq -n 'timestamp' #=> 1477162056362
  • jackson-jq -n '1477162342372 | strftime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")' #=> "2016-10-23 03:52:22.372+09:00"
  • jackson-jq -n '1477162342372 | strftime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX"; "UTC")' #=> "2016-10-22 18:52:22.372Z"
  • jackson-jq -n '"2016-10-23 03:52:22.372+09:00" | strptime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")' #=> 1477162342372
  • jackson-jq -n '"2016-10-22 18:52:22.372" | strptime("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; "UTC")' #=> 1477162342372


  • jackson-jq -n '"http://user@www.example.com:8080/index.html?foo=1&bar=%20#hash" | uriparse' #=>

      "scheme" : "http",
      "user_info" : "user",
      "raw_user_info" : "user",
      "host" : "www.example.com",
      "port" : 8080,
      "authority" : "user@www.example.com:8080",
      "raw_authority" : "user@www.example.com:8080",
      "path" : "/index.html",
      "raw_path" : "/index.html",
      "query" : "foo=1&bar= ",
      "raw_query" : "foo=1&bar=%20",
      "query_obj" : {
        "bar" : " ",
        "foo" : "1"
      "fragment" : "hash",
      "raw_fragment" : "hash"


  • jackson-jq -n '"%66%6f%6f" | uridecode' #=> "foo"


  • jackson-jq -n 'hostname' #=> "jenkins-slave01"


This software is licensed under Apache Software License, Version 2.0, with some exceptions:

See COPYING for details.