=== Genesis Featured Page Advanced=== Contributors: ndiego, outermostdesign Donate Link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WLSEBKWPL9UMN Tags: featured page, genesis, widget, featured content, Genesis Framework, genesiswp, page, widget-only, widgets Requires at least: 3.6 Tested up to: 4.5 Stable tag: 1.9.2 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html An advanced version of the Genesis - Featured Page widget. Allows you to add a custom image, custom content, page excerpt, and more. == Description == **Please Note:** This plugin is only for Genesis Framework users. Genesis is a premium product by [StudioPress](http://www.studiopress.com). We have no affiliation with the company. We just love building useful tools for Genesis users. That said, most Genesis users have probably stumbled upon the *Genesis - Featured Page* widget as a great way to add page teasers/links to your homepage, footer, sidebars, or really any widget area. However, sometimes you need additional functionality that is not offered in the core widget, such as adding a custom image or custom content. This is what *Genesis - Featured Page Advanced* does. = Plugin Highlights = * **New:** You can now add a Custom Page Title * Display widget title above or below image (Defaults above) * Display page title above or below image (Defaults below) * Adds option for widget to link to a custom link * Adds custom image upload field * Adds option to adjust the size of custom images * Adds custom content field, which accepts shortcodes * Adds option to display the page excerpt * Adds option to remove the page link from the page title * Adds option to add the page link to the widget title * Adds option to remove the page link from the featured or custom image * Adds option to insert the Learn More link on a new line * Set the target and rel attributes on all links * Fields show/hide based on user selection for cleaner UI * Works alongside the original *Genesis - Featured Page* widget and other third party widgets * Uses the same CSS classes as the original Genesis widget, so any styling you are currently using will be passed to this widget * Genesis 2.0 and HTML5 compatible If you are looking for additional features, let me know in the plugin support forum. **Disclaimer:** This plugin is essentially a forked version of the original *Genesis - Featured Page* widget. Props go to StudioPress for developing the widget, I just modified/enhanced it. = Support This Plugin = There are a few ways you can help support the development of this plugin: 1. If you spot an error or bug, please let us know in the support forums. The issue will be diagnosed an a new release push out as soon as possible. 1. [Donate](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=WLSEBKWPL9UMN). Time is money, and contributions from users like you really help us dedicate more hours to the continual development and support of this plugin. == Installation == 1. You have a couple options: * *Go to Plugins->Add New and search for "Genesis Featured Page Advanced". Once found, click "Install". * *Download the folder from Wordpress.org and zip the folder. Then upload via Plugins->Add New->Upload. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress **Please Note:** This plugin is only for Genesis Framework users. Genesis is a premium product by [StudioPress](http://www.studiopress.com). If you do not have Genesis 2.0+ or Wordpress 3.6+, the plugin will not activate. == Screenshots == 1. Admin and frontend view of the Genesis - Featured Page Advanced widget. Highlights normal usage and advanced usage. == Changelog == = 1.9.2 = * Fixed bug with page title (Thanks canaveralstudio!) = 1.9.1 = * Improved a11y support * Added filter to page title headings = 1.9.0 = * Added the option for a Custom Page Title * Added new plugin banner and logo * Improved translation capabilities - Special thanks to Hans for guidance = 1.8.2 = * Fixed more-link bug when using page content = 1.8.1 = * Added support for shortcodes in the custom content option = 1.8.0 = * Added option to set the target and rel attributes on all links - per user request * Fixed issue were a custom linked widget would occasionally not display properly = 1.7.1 = * Fixed image sizing bug when there is no image link = 1.7.0 = * Added option to insert More Text on new line (wrapped in a div) - per user request * Added support for adjusting the size of custom images - per user request = 1.6.0 = * Added internal support for centering images - per user request * Added support for alt tags on custom images * Added automatic deactivation of plugin if user switch to non-Genesis theme = 1.5.1 = * Added ability to add HTML markup to custom content box - per user request = 1.5.0 = * Add option to link to Custom Link rather than just a Page * Added option to move Widget Title below image * Added option to move Page Title above image * Fixed issue with widget Admin CSS not working in Customizer = 1.4.0 = * Internationalized the plugin * Added security features * Cleaned up code = 1.3.3 = * Updated Featured Image sizing options = 1.3.2 = * Fixed user reported error = 1.3.1 = * Fixed user reported error = 1.3.0 = * Added option to remove page link from the image * Reworked the plugin deactivation hook * Cleaned up code = 1.2.1 = * Fixed error generated by anonymous function = 1.2.0 = * Added option to show page excerpt * Added option to remove link from Page Title * Added option to add link to Widget Title * Cleaned up code = 1.1.0 = * Cleaned up code = 1.0.0 = * Initial Release