
A rising star in the Programming Division tasked with monitoring my network's hosts.

Primary LanguageRuby



A rising star in the Programming Division tasked with monitoring my network's hosts.

Elsie is a helper service for tracking all the devices on my network and pinging the mobile phones to notify my home automation system when somebody is home. It's essentially a more advanced version of homebridge-people.

The goal was to be able to use mobile phones on the network as an occupancy sensor, without having to maintain a hard-coded list of phones. I want my home automations to keep working if friends or family are present without me, so I need my software to be able to learn about new phones on its own.

Specifically, Elsie performs the following tasks:

  • Scrape my router's DHCP lease logs to determine all devices on the network and their IP addresses
  • Maintain a database of known devices so it can detect when a brand new device joins the network
  • Constantly poll for connectivity status on devices marked for use as occupancy sensors


  • Alert Bernard (WIP, my home automation AI) when an occupancy device's connection status changes (i.e., somebody entered or left the home)
  • Alert me when a new device joins the network so I can identify it and mark it as an occupancy sensor if appropriate
  • Maybe add specs one day...


Make sure you have ruby 2.3+, Postgres, bundler, and foreman installed.

  1. git clone git@github.com:neilgupta/Elsie.git
  2. cd Elsie
  3. Unless you have an ASUS router, you'll need to edit config/initializers/lease_provider.rb to scrape wherever your DHCP leases are stored.
  4. bundle install
  5. foreman run bundle exec rails db:create
  6. foreman run bundle exec rails db:migrate
  7. bin/start
  8. Go to http://localhost:5000/devices

If everything went well, you should either get a JSON response with a list of phones on your network right now or an empty array. If the latter, go to http://localhost:5000/admin and select which device(s) to use for occupancy and try again.

Note: obviously since we're scraping logs off the router and pinging devices, this service needs to be running within your local network. I'm using a Raspberry Pi, but any computer that can run ruby + postgres and has LAN access should work.