
Monsoon versions and writes messages to a stream to turn your inter-server messages into an API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT



Gem Version

Monsoon writes messages to a stream of data. That stream can be anything, from an external service to a log or even an in-memory array, as long as you write an adapter for it. Out of the box, Monsoon includes adapters for AWS Kinesis and stdout.

Monsoon allows you to define versioned contracts for your messages, treating your streams as an API for other clients to consume. Each message sent by Monsoon includes only the keys defined in the contract, the version of the contract used, and whether or not that contract is deprecated.


Install the gem on your machine:

gem install monsoon-droplet

Or add it to your Gemfile:

gem 'monsoon-droplet'


Create /config/initializers/monsoon.rb and add:

require 'monsoon'
require 'monsoon/streams/kinesis'
require 'monsoon/streams/console'

Monsoon.versions_schema = {
  "transcodes" => {
    "download_complete" => {
      "1.0" => ["filename", "media_id"],
      "2.0" => ["url", "media_id"]
    "transcode_complete" => {
      "1.1" => ["filename", "media_id"],
      "2.0" => ["media_id", "status"]
Monsoon.default_stream = 'transcodes'

# if using the Kinesis stream...

Stream Adapters

To add a stream adapter, just require it:

require 'monsoon/streams/kinesis'

This will add the built-in AWS Kinesis adapter. monsoon/streams/console is also built-in for testing by writing your streams to STDOUT.

You can write your own stream adapter by creating a class that implements #put_records(stream_name, records_array, options_hsh = {}) and then add it to Monsoon with Monsoon.streams << YourNewAdapter.new. See Monsoon::Streams::Console for an example.

Monsoon will send your messages to all added streams by default.

Note on Kinesis Stream: Kinesis requires a partition key when streaming a message. Monsoon will look for a partition_key in your droplet's options hash. If no partition_key is provided, Monsoon will default to partitioning on the event name or droplet version. If neither of those are available, Monsoon will send everything to the monsoon partition.

Versions Schema

To auto-generate versioned copies of your message, configure Monsoon with your versions schema. This is just a hash of stream names and keys that tells Monsoon, given a stream name and event name, here's a list of versions we support and the keys each version should include in its message. For example, if you have the following schema defined:

Monsoon.versions_schema = {
  "transcodes" => {
    "download_complete" => {
      "1.0" => ["filename", "media_id"],
      "2.0" => ["url", "media_id"]
    "transcode_complete" => {
      "1.1" => ["filename", "media_id"],
      "2.0" => ["media_id", "status"]

and you want to send the message {stream: 'transcodes', event: 'download_complete', filename: 'my_movie.mp4', media_id: 5, url: 'example.com/my_movie.mp4'}, Monsoon will automatically generate 2 versions of your message for each defined version (1.0 and 2.0). The versioned message will only include the keys needed for that version, as well as 2 new keys: 'droplet_version' and 'droplet_deprecated'. droplet_version tells the receiving client which version they're reading, and version_deprecated is true if there is a newer version defined in the schema.

If the original message does not include all of the keys needed for an older version (e.g., filename is left out in the above example), then Monsoon will only send the versions it has the data for (e.g., it will only send v2.0).

Since many apps will only use 1 stream, you can also set Monsoon.default_stream to avoid passing the stream key with each message.


To send a message after you've configured Monsoon, just create a new Droplet and stream it:

droplet = Monsoon::Droplet.new({stream: 'transcodes', event: 'download_complete', filename: 'my_movie.mp4', media_id: 5, url: 'example.com/my_movie.mp4'})

Droplets can also take a hash with the following options:

  • :versioning - can be :skip, :enforce, or nil
    • :skip will ignore the versions schema and write the data exactly as passed
    • :enforce will require using the schema and will write nothing if unable to version
    • nil will try to write versioned droplets and fallback to raw data (default)

#stream can also take an optional stream adapter (any object that implements #put_records) to only stream to that adapter. For example:

droplet = Monsoon::Droplet.new({stream: 'transcodes', event: 'download_complete', media_id: 5, url: 'example.com/my_movie.mp4'}, {versioning: :skip})


Neil Gupta http://metamorphium.com


The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2016 Neil Gupta. See MIT-LICENSE