
How to write winning GA SEI Project READMEs that impress employers.

How to Write a General Assembly (GA) Software Engineering Immersive (SEI) Project README

stars - readme-writing-tutorial

Writing project documentation in the form of a README is typically the last thing any GA SEI student wants to do, especially after a long and exhausting project week.

Thus, today we'll provide you with the copy and paste-able code to quickly set up a README that will impress your classmates, instructors, and potential employers.

Header & Description

<div align="center">
   <h1>:school_satchel: :school: MEET YOUR CLASSMATES :school: :school_satchel: </h1>
   <h5>Teammate Name | Your Name | Teammate Name </h5>`                             
   <a href="https://yourportfoliolink.com" target="_blank">
      <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-Portfolio:_user.github.io-darkgreen?style=flat&logo=medium"/>
   <a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/user/" target="_blank">
      <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-linkedin.com/in/user-blue?style=flat&``logo=Linkedin&logoColor=white">
   <a href="mailto:user@gmail.com" target="_blank">
      <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-user@gmail.com-c14438?style=flat&logo=Gmail&``logoColor=white">
   <a href="https://medium.com/@user">
      <img src="https://img.shields.io/badge/-medium.com/@user-black?style=flat&logo=medium">

<h1>:pencil: Description</h1>
<p>Meet Your Classmates is an Instagram-clone and hub where students can get to know and relate to their peers via completion of short 3-question mini-surveys. By learning about others' backgrounds, previous experiences, and interests, an atmosphere of community is created that is conducive to higher levels of learning and success.</p>
Note: Each # stands for a header of that number in HTML.
Ex. # is equivalent to <h1>
Ex. ###### is equivalent to <h6>
Note: Integrate styling with <h1 align="center"> to center text.
Note: Add your deployed link directly to the top here - many users won't scroll all the way down to find it.
Note: Use emojis by typing in :emojiname: Ex. :school: ---> 🏫
While emojis automatically show on GitHub, to see them on VS Code one needs to install an extension like Markdown Emoji.
Check out this full list of available GitHub emojis.


<summary> :bar_chart: ERD</summary>
| Description | Screenshot |
|------------ | ------------|
| <h3 align="center">ERD</h3> | <img src="https://``github.com/amarpan/meet-your-classmates/raw/main/public/Screenshots/ERD.MYC.png" width="700"> |

<summary> :art: Wireframes</summary>
| Description | Screenshot |
|------------ | ------------|
| <h3 align="center">Home Page</h3> | <img src="https://github.com/amarpan/meet-your-classmates/raw/main/public/Screenshots/Homepage.Wireframe.MYC.png" width="700"/>
| <h3 align="center">Profile Page</h3> | <img src="https://github.com/amarpan/meet-your-classmates/raw/main/public/Screenshots/ProfilePage.Wireframe.MYC.png" width="700"> |

<details open>
<summary> :gear: Functionality</summary>
| Description | Screenshot |
|------------ | ------------|
| <h3 align="center">Feed Page</h3> | <img src="https://github.com/amarpan/meet-your-classmates/blob/main/public/Screenshots/FeedPage.png?raw=true" width="700"/> |
| <h3 align="center">Profile Page</h3> | <img src="https://github.com/amarpan/meet-your-classmates/raw/main/public/Screenshots/ProfilePage.png" width="700"/> |
Note: To set up a table, use:
| Description | Screenshot|
| caption | image |
Note: Whatever is placed in between <details></details> will be hidden beneath a closed drop-down menu, until its arrow is clicked on. The title for this should be placed in between <summary></summary>.
Note: To have a drop-down menu display by default without the user having to click it, add the word 'open' to the details tag.
Ex. <details> --> <details open>
Note: Image dimensions can also be resized by specifying width and height.
Ex. <img src="" width="300" height="400">

Technologies Used

## :computer: Technologies Used

![Semantic UI React](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Semantic%20UI%20React-333?style=flat&logo=semanticuireact)
![AWS S3](https://img.shields.io/badge/-AWS_S3-333?style=flat&logo=amazons3)
![Mongoose ODM](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Mongoose_ODM-333?style=flat&logo=mongodb)
![Materialize CSS](https://img.shields.io/badge/-Materialize_CSS-333?style=flat&logo=materialdesign) 

Getting Started

<h2> :atom_symbol: Getting Started </h2>

<h3> :calling: Instructions </h3>
<details open>
<summary>How to Create a Post</summary>
<li>Type in your answers to each of the 3 randomly-generated mini-survey questions.</li>
<li>Click on "Add Survey" to post your responses so others may see them.</li>
<li>Click on the "X" in the bottom-right corner to delete a post.</li>

<summary>How to Interact With Others' Posts</summary>
<li>Posts may be "liked" or "disliked" by clicking on the thumbs up or down button on their card.</li>
<li>To reveal the author of a post, hover over the "Who could it possibly be?" button.</li>
<li>To see more posts by the same user, click on the revealed username and profile picture.</li>

<h3> :link: Links </h3>
<summary>Trello Board</summary>   
<a href="https://trello.com/b/x4ViComX/meet-your-classmates-project-4">https://trello.com/b/x4ViComX/meet-your-classmates-project-4</a>   

<details open>   
<summary>Deployed Link (Heroku)</summary>
<a href="https://meetyourclassmates.herokuapp.com/">https://meetyourclassmates.herokuapp.com/</a>
Note: Use numbered lists as opposed to lengthy paragraphs to make sure this section is easily readable.
Note: Put your links in more drop-down menus using <details open> and <summary>.
Note: Try to choose something simple and memorable when choosing your Heroku URL / link name.

Next Steps

## :fast_forward: Next Steps   

### Upcoming Features

- [X] Add gifs to animated sliding buttons   

- [ ] Add comment functionality on posts to encourage discussion   

- [ ] Add edit and update functionality for a user's profile  

- [ ] ~~Add Tinder API Integration~~
Note: Try to avoid using the word "icebox", as most non-technical users probably won't know what this means.
Note: Use bullet points rather than paragraphs to make it immediately clear what each new feature would be.

The Final Product

Optional Additions

Header Banner

<div align="center">
   <img src="https://i.imgur.com/y2SPx4E.jpg" width="800" height="400" />
   <h1 align="center">plantrade</h1>
Note: Royalty-free stock photos can be found on Pexels, Pixabay, or Unsplash.
Note: Free photo editing tools like Photopea can streamline the editing process with their ability to import images from URLs and export images directly into imgur.

Emoji Commits

git commit -m ":pencil2: fix typo on cart page"
Note: GitHub-friendly commit emojis can be found on gitmoji.

Horizontal Image Scroll (Carousel) Hack

  <img src="https://i.imgur.com/NdzHyyX.png" width="700" height="500" />
  <img src="https://i.imgur.com/XIxBAcO.png" width="700" height="500" />
  <img src="https://i.imgur.com/tYVxWvF.png" width="700" height="500" />
  <img src="https://i.imgur.com/vRjshke.png" width="700" height="500" />
  <img src="https://i.imgur.com/qap5IXS.png" width="700" height="500" />
Note: This works best with images of similar heights.

Full README Examples

Pan Amar - GA SEI Nov '21 - Apple Valley, CA (Los Angeles)
Neil Italia - GA SEI Oct '21 - Dallas / Fort Worth, TX

Future Updates

  • Add contributions
  • Add examples from other GA students
  • Add code samples
  • Add horizontally-scrolling images how-to
  • Add table of contents
  • Add technologies used buttons for everything learned in GA SEI
  • Add 'Further Reading' section with links to Markdown tutorials and documentation


Pan Amar - GA SEI Nov '21 - Los Angeles, CA (Apple Valley) - IT Manager at Summit Medical

Conception, Screenshots, Writing, Organization, Code Instructions / Explanations, Search Engine Optimization, Design, Social Media Preview Banner Creation

Neil Italia - GA SEI Oct '21 - Dallas, TX (McKinney/Frisco)

UX / UI, Code Samples, Header Banner, Emoji Commits, Carousel Horizontally Scrolling Images Slider

Olivia Emery - GA SEI Oct '15 - San Francisco, CA (Mountain View) - Technical Writer @ Google

Editing, Suggestions for Clarity of Writing

Isaac Ferraro - GA SEI Nov '21 - Seattle, WA (Bremerton)

Proofreading, Editing, Quality Assurance

Miguel Urena - GA SEI Nov '21 - Los Angeles, CA (Anaheim)

Graphic Design, Social Media Rich Preview Banner, Quality Assurance