
A collection of community-written scripts that utilize the autograder.io API

Primary LanguagePythonGNU Lesser General Public License v3.0LGPL-3.0

Autograder.io Contrib

Contains utilities for writing applications that use the autograder.io API.

We recommend Amir Kamil's autograder-tools for a larger collection of applications.

Obtaining a Token

Log in to autograder.io in Chrome and open up the developer tools from the Chrome menu (View->Developer->Developer Tools on a Mac). Click on a course link. In the developer console, click on a request (e.g. my_roles/ or projects/). Under Request Headers, there is an Authorization entry that looks like "Token ". Copy the hex string and save it to the file .agtoken in your home directory.

The Command Line Interface

This library provides a simple command line interface for sending requests:

$ ag_contrib get /api/users/current/

This interface notably does not support delete requests for safety reasons. If you wish to delete something, please do so through the autograder.io website or (at your own risk) you may use the HTTPClient class described in the next section.

The HTTPClient

The HTTPClient class is a starting point for sending custom requests in Python applications.

import json
from ag_contrib.http_client import HTTPClient, check_response_status

client = HTTPClient.make_default()
response = client.get('/api/users/current/')
print(json.dumps(response.json(), indent=4))


sandbox_docker_image.py (Python >= 3.6)

You MUST specify a tag (other than "latest") in your docker image in order for it to be used by the autograder:

# ./sandbox_docker_image.py <id> --tag <imagename>:<tag>
./sandbox_docker_image.py 4 --tag myimage:0

Images tagged "latest" will still be visible in the drop-down menu in the test suite interface, but won't run.

sandbox_docker_image.py contains commands for displaying, editing, and creating sandbox Docker image metadata. Editing and creating can only be performed by superusers.


# List image data.
./sandbox_docker_image.py list

# Examine a specific image.
# ./sandbox_docker_image.py detail [image_id]
./sandbox_docker_image detail 3

# Creates a new image.
# ./sandbox_docker_image.py create [name] [display_name] [tag]
./sandbox_docker_image.py create eecs9001 "EECS 9001" jameslp/eecs9001:1.0

# Edits an existing image. --display_name and --tag can be used individually.
# ./sandbox_docker_image.py [image_id] --display_name [new_display_name] --tag [new_tag]
./sandbox_docker_image.py 4 --display_name "EECS 9002" --tag jameslp/eecs9002:1.0
./sandbox_docker_image.py 4 --display_name "EECS 9002"
./sandbox_docker_image.py 4 --tag jameslp/eecs9001:2.0