
American Red Cross Disaster Transportation Tool extra reports

Primary LanguagePython

Tools to access the Red Cross Disaster Transportation Tool programmatically via Python.

This tool automates the generation of daily reports based on data in the DTT and the daily "Avis" reconciliation report.

It has been tested on python 3.8

If you are on Windows: I tested with Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), using version 2. If you have no clue how to do this: this is a good page.

You will need access to the NHQDCSDLC sharepoint site in order to get acccess to the AVIS reports.

To install and run:

  1. install dependencies

    sudo apt install pipenv
  2. check out the repository

    git clone --recursive https://github.com/neilkatin/arc_dtt.git
    cd arc_dtt
  3. use pipenv for dependency resolution (only needed once):

    pipenv --python 3.8
    pipenv install
  4. configure the private environment. See env.sample for a template. You'll need types of information:

    1. the DTT URL, username, and password
    2. azure client_id and client_secret -- see the O365 home page, look for "Authentiation Steps". You will need to use your redcross.org acccount to register the app. You will need to add permissions to this application. The list of permissions is in arc_o365/arc_o365.py. Look for the _scopes_default definition.
  5. configure the public (checked into git) environment. This is in config.py. You'll almost certainly have to change some values in this file: the DR number and year.

  6. The first time you run the program (and after 90 days of non-usage) you will need to initialize your azure oauth 2 tokens. A URL will be output on the program output. Copy and paste that into your browser. There will be nothing displayed, but after the browser has redirected a few times copy the new URL in the browser url bar back into the program window, then hit enter. That will initialize your oauth 2 token.

  7. run the program

    pipenv run ./main.py --debug

    This will save a copy of the output in the local folder.

    There are two files generated: avis.xslx and gap.xslx