Sitecore CDP Postman Collection

I’ve started a collection based on the Sitecore documentation and examples they've provided. You can import it into Postman and use it when working with your own Sitecore CDP sandbox. I hope you find it useful, please share any feedback.


To use the collection against your sandbox you need to authenticate, Sitecore CDP supports basic authentication. An API token is a unique key that Sitecore provides your organization to authenticate your services.

1. You need to obtain your client key and API token from Sitecore CDP, in the navigation pane, click System Settings -> API Access. For basic authentication:

  • Username = Sandbox API Access Client Key
  • Password = Sandbox API Token

2. You will need to update the variables in the postman collection:

  • apiKeyId = Sandbox API Access Client Key
  • apiKeySecret = Sandbox API Token

Collections Variables

Here is a list of current variables within the collection:

apiKeyIdYour Sandbox API Client Key
apiKeySecretYour Sandbox API Token
apiEndpointAll URLs referenced in the Sitecore CDP v2.1 API
data model begin with the following base URL: https://{apiEndpoint}/v2
pointOfSaleA POS is a specific storefront your organization sells products. Sitecore CDP supports multiple storefronts certain requests need to target the correct storefront.betaSpinAir
currencyCodeThe type of currency used for requests. String value (3 letter ISO 4217)."EUR", "USD", "GBP"
languageThe language captured on each page the guest visited."EN", "FR", "DE"
channelThe channel captured on each page the guest visited."WEB", "MOBILE_WEB", "MOBILE_APP"
guestRefThe unique ID of the guest generated by Sitecore CDP.guid
guestEmailThe email address for the guest.
identifiersProviderThe provider of the identifiers.ProfileSystem
identifiersIdThe ID of the identifiers.guid
dataExtensionNameThe data extension name.extEmailPreferences
dataExtensionRefThe reference of the data extension.guid
orderRefThe reference of the order.guid
orderItemRefThe reference of the order item.guid
orderContactRefThe reference of the contact on the order.guid
orderConsumerRefThe reference of the consumer on the order.guid
batchFlowsJobRefThe reference of the Batch flow.guid
decisionModelDefinitionRefThe reference of the Decision Model Definition.guid
decisionModelDefinitionRevisionThe reference of the Decision Model Definition Revisions.guid
decisionModelVariantRefThe reference of the Decision Model Variant.guid
decisionModelVariantRevisionThe reference of the Decision Model Variant Revision.guid
connectionRefThe reference of the Connection.guid