
This is the code for the talk I gave at FITC entitled Musical Machines and Flapping Phones.

Primary LanguageC++

Musical Machines and Flapping Phones

This is the code for the talk I gave at FITC entitled Musical Machines and Flapping Phones.

  • openFrameworksWaveform - OF app demonstrating what a square wave sounds and looks like with rainbow bread dogs.
  • arduinoSimpleMidi - Arduino sketch showing how to read MIDI.
  • arduinoMidiToFrequency - Arduino sketch showing how to read MIDI and convert it to a frequency to control a stepper.
  • arduinoOscillator - More advanced Arduino sketch showing how to read MIDI and control multiple stepper motors, car dooe locks at the same time.
  • arduinoMakeCall - Arduino sketch showing how to make a call using serial.
  • arduinoReceiveCall - Arduino sketch showing how to receive a call using serial.

The Arduino code can be run from anywhere. If you want to run openFrameworksWaveform, you will need to clone the repository into /path/to/openFrameworks/apps/.