
Workshop to build scalable architectures with Azure Data Explorer (ADX)

About this workshop

Welcome to this Azure Data Explorer (ADX) solutions workshop(s).

In this workshop you will learn how to solve modern data challenges with ADX using hands-on activities.

This workshop is intended to be taken self-paced or via an instructor-led event.

This workshop is designed for data professionals who have a basic working knowledge of Microsoft Azure, Analytics and Cloud computing. It is designed around the Azure portal to allow uptake by all Azure users regardless of their skills with PowerShell, CLI, etc.

This README.MD file explains how the workshop is structured, what you will learn, and the technologies you will use in this solution.


Simplistically, Azure Data Explorer (ADX) is an Azure Cloud service for storing and running interactive analytics over Big Data.

ADX is a fast, fully managed data analytics service for real-time analysis on large volumes of streaming data (e.g. websites and IoT devices) or batch data (data at rest). You can employ ADX to collect, store, and analyse data for the purpose of identifying patterns, anomalies, enhance customer experiences, monitor devices, and boost operational performance.


The main purpose of this workshop is to help educate and build awareness around ADX deployment within solution architectures. Secondly, also offer artefacts that can:

  • be utilised to quickly deploy a set of Azure services that utilise ADX within your subscription, and,

  • help educate how ADX can be deployed within architectural scenarios to address analytical use cases for data whether the data is at batch or streaming.

Over time this workshop, and hence solution architectures, will grow as labs are added. The core lab "Lab1" will remain applicable to many of these architectures.


The labs have been designed to enable you to work through each section in a step by step basis with the view to producing a working solution architecture at the end of each lab.

Each lab will have a high-level architectural diagram, e.g. for Lab1 this is "Azure Cloud Scale Analytics with ADX - Lab1.pdf", that will be identified at the start of each activity section.

Lab1 has been written in a click-by-click style to encourage familiarity with the Azure Portal. Subsequent labs will be more script based.to use the Azure portal. Labs will introduce scripts (whether PowerShell or ARM templates) but all will utilise the portal in the first instance.

Background Reading

The following links will help with the understanding of ADX and Cloud based architectures.

For an in depth look that the ADX product, the whitepaper can be referenced.

James Serra has a great blog and this article provides an excellent high level summary of ADX.

To understand KQL, the query language used in ADX, this Pluralsight course is an excellent facilitator.

Cloud Scale Analytics Architecture

The feature rich and diverse number of Azure Data Services creates a plethora of permutations for an Azure cloud-based architecture that is appropriate to your requirements. For these labs, the following architectural diagram will be generically used:

Core Azure Services

In this workshop, and through the series of labs, the following Azure services will be deployed. Not all of these Azure services will be used in each lab, however, a number of them are commonly utilised. As such, familiarity with the following Azure services is beneficial for this workshop and Azure Cloud Analytics Architectures:

Azure Key Vault

Azure Blob storage

Azure Data Lake (ADLS)

Azure Data Explorer (ADX)

Azure Data Factory (ADF)

Azure Event Grid

Any Azure services that are specific to each lab will be identified on an associated lab related architecture diagram and in the accompanying lab documentation.

Other Azure services may be added to this workshop and the architecture diagrams, and resulting number of labs, will change accordingly.

All services may not be used concurrently in an individual lab.


You will need an Azure subscription into which the services identified in a lab can be created.

Option 1 - Microsoft Developer Network Account (MSDN) Account

The best way to take this workshop is to use your Microsoft Developer Network (MSDN) benefits if you have a subscription.

Open this resource and click the "Activate your monthly Azure credit" button. If you don't have an Azure subscription, create a free Azure account before you begin.

Option 2 - Use Your Own Account

You can also use your own account or one provided to you by your organization, but you must be able to create a resource group and create, start, and manage a the Azure services as mentioned in 'Core Azure Services' above.


This workshop will comprise several labs that will increase over time. Labs will introduce different analytical scenarios, all using Azure Data Factory (ADX), but will incorporate different architectural patterns to give an understanding of implementation scenarios. Such architectural patterns will include streaming data ingestion, batch data ingestion, automated file ingestion, geographical data, handling data in varying formats and Machine Learning (ML).

The architecture can easily be enhanced to include additional Azure services, such as, structured/relational datastores (SQL Server, PostgreSQL) or semi-structured/non-relational datastores (e.g. Cosmos DB).

The first lab Lab1 -- Automated File Ingestion & Analytics is aimed at organisations that have large batch schedules with numerous upstream data producers and downstream data consumers, e.g. Financial Services (Banking, Insurance)

Lab 1: Automated File Ingestion & Analytics

Lab Summary

Land files at scale (to a maximum of 100 per second) to Azure Blob, triggering automatic file ingestion into ADLS Gen-2. File ingestion is triggered via blob create events that Azure Event Grid detects and calls a parameterised ADF pipeline. In this lab data will be queried via an external table reference from ADX to ADLS (see note 1). In subsequent labs data will be ingested into ADX.

This solution architecture provides support for data ingestion for both structured and semi-structured data. Demo data is based on simplistic JSON documents to demonstrate concepts. The first five lab activities are associated with building the environment that will be used in this lab. Activities 6 & 7 build and execute an ADF pipeline associated with the file ingestion to ADLS. Activity 8 provides an example of dynamic analytics with data residing in ADLS via an external table reference. As mentioned, this is based off a small set of simulated JSON quotation records.

Lab 1: Architecture

The diagram below shows the architecture that will be built in Lab 1.

(note 1) ADX has a highly performant architecture for analysis of data that is achieved via memory and SSD based caching. To achieve this performance data is ingested into the ADX cluster(s) in either a batch or real-time manner (both forms of ingestion will be covered in future labs).

The external table reference does not ingest data into the ADX cluster -- rather the data resides on Azure Blob or Azure ADLS, i.e. external to the cluster. As such, external table queries are not as performant due to the lack of caching and are ideal in use-cases were "what if "or point-in-time analysis is required. This is commonly on smaller sets of data or when it is not operationally efficient to ingest all data into ADX. Such use-cases could be:

  • average volume/quote/valuations in a period (intra-day, hours)