APIM to API Center Load Generator

Gets a list of APIs from Azure API Management Gateway (APIM) and loads them into Azure API Center. Total proof of concept to 'gen some load' in API Center for service evaluation.

Environment Variables

Update with appropriate values for your environment, this assumes a PowerShell environment. These can be set as configuration settigns in an Azure Function.

$env:API_CENTER_REST_API_VERSION = "2024-03-01"
$env:APIM_NAME = ""
$env:DATA_INJECT_DICT_PATH = "./data-injection/data-injection.json"
$env:APIM_DOMAIN = ""

Custom metadata injection

API Center API schema

The API Center API schema must be extended before custom metadata can be injected. This takes place in the extend_api_schema.py module. This reads all Kay values from the data-injection/data-injectin.json file and created an API property for each one. For example, given the following JSON, an API property (optional / string) would be created with the value of metadata_key.

    "api_name": {
        "metadata_key": "metadata_value"

This allows for dynamic schema extension which may not be desirable.

API Center API data injection

Once the schema has been extended, custo data can be added to each API Center API. This is done when the API is cerated and / or updated. Property values are read from the data-injection/data-injectin.json file and added to the API Center API. For example, given the following JSON, an API property value is added with the value of metadata_value.

    "api_name": {
        "metadata_key": "metadata_value"