Koa middleware to help build restful microservices. It is based on koa-route and koa-compose.
In RESET URLs, most endpoints have these patterns:
- list: GET /user
- create: POST /user
- action: PUT /user/:action_name
- fetch: GET /user/:id
- update: PATCH /user/:id
- remove: DELETE /user/:id
- action: PUT /user/:id/:action_name
So, we make this our default rule for designing REST API.
Every Endpoint is a JS module, example for users:
module.exports = {
list(ctx) {
ctx.body = 'user.list';
create(ctx) {
ctx.body = 'user.create';
batchAction(ctx, action) {
ctx.body = `user.batchAction ${action}`;
fetch(ctx, id) {
ctx.body = `user.fetch ${id}`;
update(ctx, id) {
ctx.body = `user.update ${id}`;
remove(ctx, id) {
ctx.body = `user.remove ${id}`;
singleAction(ctx, id, action) {
ctx.body = `user.action ${id} ${action}`;
Methods are optional, implement the ones needed.
This in function is the object containing the function, if the function is not ES6 arrow function.
// Controller
module.exports = {
msg: 'Hello',
list(ctx) {
ctx.body = `${this.msg}, World!`
// Hello, World!
fetch: (ctx, id) => {
// undefined, because fetch is an ES6 arrow function
By default, each controller provides two url matches, one for list/create (plural), one singular form for others. Example for users:
const Koa = require('koa')
const RE = require('yarmk')
const User = require('./controllers/user')
const app = new Koa()
const options = {
controller: User,
path: '/user',
/*if username is prefered*/
/*the generated url is /user/:username(\\w+)*/
const options = {
controller: User,
path: '/user',
index: ':username(\\w+)',
const miniOptions = {
controller: User,
path: '/user',
const fullOptions = {
/*The Controller, REQUIRED*/
controller: User,
/*Endpoint Path for building URL, optional*/
/*Required if controller is not es6 class and urls not set*/
/*If set, common urls are generated.*/
path: '/user',
/*Index for Fetching Single Object, optional*/
/*Default is ':id(\\d+)'*/
/*Ignored if urls set*/
index: ':id(\\d+)',
/*Routes, optional, default as folowing code*/
/*This section is merged with auto generated urls.*/
urls: [{
/*required in urls, NOTE: urls itself is optionsl*/
/*Override default when exists.*/
/*Default to be build by name+index*/
path: '/user/:id(\\d+)',
/*reqired in urls*/
handlers: {
GET: 'fetch',
PATCH: 'update',
DELETE: 'remove'
path: '/user',
handlers: {
POST: 'create',
GET: 'list'
Example for auth(login/logout):
module.exports = {
login (ctx) {
//get posted username & password
//do login job
logout (ctx) {
//do logout job
//delete user session
const Koa = require('koa')
const RE = require('yarmk')
const Auth = require('./controllers/auth')
const app = new Koa()
controller: Auth,
urls: [{
path: '/auth/login',
handlers: {
POST: 'login',
path: '/auth/logout',
handlers: {
GET: 'logout',
- If path exists in both url item and upper scope, an implicit route list is generated, and merged with custom urls.