STNotifications is Objective-C library for Strongly Typed Notifications
- Strongly typed payload (using safe api around Objective-C lightweight generics)
- Makes sure only one NSNotificationName exists for Notification and Observer
- You have pointer to sender from recieved notification!
- Interoperable with Swift!
- Autounsubscribtion on NotificationToken deallocation!
#import <STNotifications/STNotifications.h>
@class Alert;
@interface STNotificationFactory (YourCustomNotifications)
+ (STNotificationFactory<Payload *> *)payloadFactory;
@implementation STNotificationFactory (YourCustomNotifications)
+ (STNotificationFactory<Payload *> *)payloadFactory {
return [STNotificationFactory factoryWithNotificationName:@"Notification payload"];
#import <STNotifications/STNotifications.h>
#import "Alert.h"
@interface AlertNotificationFactory : STNotificationFactory <Alert *>
- (instancetype)init;
+ (instancetype)factory;
@implementation AlertNotificationFactory
- (instancetype)init {
return self = [super initWithNotificationName:@"AlertNotification"];
+ (instancetype)factory {
return [[AlertNotificationFactory alloc] init];
That's it! Now your NotificationName and Payload Type can be no longer be messed up!
Autocompletion will insert payload type you specified in factory same way as it's in NSArray!
@property (strong, nonatomic) STNotificationToken *token; // < ---- Auto Unsubscription on deallocation!
let factory = [AlertNotificationFactory new];
let alertObserver = [factory makeObserverWithOnRecievedBlock:^(STNotification<Alert *> * _Nullable notification) {
NSLog(@"%@", notification.payload.message);
NSLog(@"%@", notification.sender);
self.alertToken = [[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] stn_addNotificationObserver:alertObserver];
You can track down sender of notification! STNotificationToken has autounsubscription feature on deallocation!
You can no longer mess up payload type!
var alert = [Alert new];
alert.message = @"ALARM!!!";
let alertFactory = [AlertNotificationFactory new];
let alertNotification = [alertFactory makeNotificationWithPayload:alert sender:self];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] stn_postNotification:alertNotification];
target '<Your Target Name>' do
pod 'STNotifications', '~>'
github "neisip/StronglyTypedNotifications"
STNotifications is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.