
Fork of the original project, mostly to contribute translations

Primary LanguageValaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

A time management utility for GNOME

This GNOME utility helps to manage time according to Pomodoro Technique. It intends to improve productivity and focus by taking short breaks.


  • Countdown timer in the GNOME Shell top panel
  • Screen notifications that can be easily dismissed
  • Hiding other notifications during pomodoro
  • Postponing pomodoro unless there is some activity
  • Option to quickly shorten/lenghten the break
  • Nagging to take a break



What is the pomodoro technique?

The Pomodoro Technique is a time and focus management method which improves productivity and quality of work. The name comes from a kitchen timer, which can be used to keep track of time. In short, you are supposed to focus on work for around 25 minutes and then have a well deserved break in which you should do nothing but relax. This cycle repeats once it reaches 4th break – then you should take a longer break (have a walk or something). It's that simple. It improves your focus, physical health and mental agility depending on how you spend your breaks and how strictly you follow the routine.

You can read more on pomodoro technique here.

This project is not affiliated with, authorized by, sponsored by, or otherwise approved by GNOME Foundation and/or the Pomodoro Technique®. The GNOME logo and GNOME name are registered trademarks or trademarks of GNOME Foundation in the United States or other countries. The Pomodoro Technique® and Pomodoro™ are registered trademarks of Francesco Cirillo.


From repositories

For Fedora, Debian and Arch packages are available through repos. Thanks to volunteers who maintain them.

  1. Install package

  2. Close gnome-pomodoro

    If you're updating, you need to close running background service by opening Preferences and clicking Quit it the AppMenu or by killall gnome-pomodoro in terminal.

  3. Launch it


    It will enable GNOME Shell extension. A new indicator should show up in the top panel. If it doesn't, restart GNOME Shell by hitting Alt + F2 and typing r in command.

From package

For Ubuntu, Fedora and openSUSE you can download packages from here. These are updated more frequently.

Then follow instructions from above, as if installing package from repos.

From source

  1. Download the right version

    For GNOME 3.16 download from here and follow instructions from here.

    For GNOME 3.14 download from here and follow instructions from here.

    For GNOME 3.12 download from here and follow instructions from here.

    For GNOME 3.10 download from here and follow instructions from here.

    For GNOME 3.8 download from here and follow instructions from here.

    For GNOME 3.6 download from here and follow instructions from here.

    For GNOME 3.4 download from here and follow instructions from here.

  2. You may need to install tools and dependencies before building it

    On Ubuntu:

     sudo apt-get install gnome-common intltool valac libglib2.0-dev gobject-introspection libgirepository1.0-dev libgtk-3-dev libgnome-desktop-3-dev libcanberra-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev fonts-droid

    On Fedora:

     sudo dnf install gnome-common intltool vala vala-tools glib2-devel gobject-introspection-devel gtk3-devel gnome-desktop3-devel libcanberra-devel dbus-glib-devel gstreamer1-devel google-droid-sans-fonts
  3. Build it and install

     ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr --datadir=/usr/share
     sudo make install
  4. Close gnome-pomodoro

    If you're updating, you need to close running background service by opening Preferences and clicking Quit it the AppMenu or by killall gnome-pomodoro in terminal.

  5. Launch it


    It will enable GNOME Shell extension. A new indicator should show up in the top panel. If it doesn't, restart GNOME Shell by hitting Alt + F2 and typing r in command.

From extensions.gnome.org

You can install older version via extensions.gnome.org.

Advanced settings

If you want to tinker with more settings, you can use dconf-editor or gsettings. Lookup /org/gnome/pomodoro tree.

Change keyboard shortcut

As it's not possible to select a shortcut having a Super key, you need to use the commandline:

gsettings set org.gnome.pomodoro.preferences toggle-timer-key "['<Super>p']"

Reset settings to default

If you ever need to bring the app to original settings or state, you can do it by:

gsettings reset-recursively org.gnome.pomodoro

For more options see gsettings --help


If you experience extension causing problems, run gnome-shell like this:

DISPLAY=:0 gnome-shell --replace > gnome-shell.log 2>&1

and send us gnome-shell.log file. A a side note, you can recover from most gnome-shell crashes using that command.


GPL3. See COPYING for details.


Thanks to our contributors and to package maintainers.