jsonconfig is a simple helper class with json object for application configuration.
- simply wrap pficommon json object
- readable error messages with jsonpath which indicates invalid configuration
$ ./waf configure & ./waf & ./waf install
Supported Types
pficommon json compatible.
- bool
- int
- long
- float
- double
- std::string
- std::vector
- std::map
- pfi::data::unordered_map
- pfi::data::optional
Assume you have a configuration file like this:
{ "web_server": { "host": "http://hoge.com", "port": 8080 }, "users": ["saitama", "gumma", "ibaraki"] }
You can access it with as method:
jsonconfig::config_root config = jsonconfig::load("path/to/json/file"); // print "http://hoge.com" std::cout << config["web_server"]["host"].as<std::string>() << std::endl; // print 8080 std::cout << config["web_server"]["port"].as<int>() << std::endl;
You can use struct to define schema of configuration explicitly:
struct server_conf { struct web_conf { std::string host; int port; templpate <typename Ar> void serialize(Ar& ar) { ar & MEMBER(host) & MEMBER(port); } } web_server; std::vector<std::string> users; template <typename Ar> void serialize(Ar& ar) { ar & MEMBER(web_server) & MEMBER(users); } }; server_conf server = jsonconfig::config_cast<server_conf>(conf);