A simple parser for React properties defined in TypeScript instead of propTypes.
It can be used with React Styleguidist.
npm install --save-dev react-docgen-typescript
Include following line in your styleguide.config.js
propsParser: require('react-docgen-typescript').withDefaultConfig([parserOptions]).parse
or if you want to use custom tsconfig file
propsParser: require('react-docgen-typescript').withCustomConfig('./tsconfig.json', [parserOptions]).parse
{ skipPropsWithName?: string[] | string; skipPropsWithoutDoc?: boolean; }
(props: PropItem, component: Component) => boolean
In case you do not want to print out all the HTML props, because your component is typed like this:
const MyComponent: React.FC<React.HTMLAttributes<HTMLDivElement>> = ()...
you can use this workaround inside
:if (prop.parent) { return !prop.parent.fileName.includes('node_modules') } return true
without a doc comment will not be documented. -
(exp: ts.Symbol, source: ts.SourceFile) => string | undefined | null | false
If a string is returned, then the component will use that name. Else it will fallback to the default logic of parser.
Styled components example:
componentNameResolver: (exp, source) => exp.getName() === 'StyledComponentClass' && getDefaultExportForFile(source);
The parser exports
helper through its public API.
In the example folder you can see React Styleguidist integration.
The component Column.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
import { Component } from 'react';
* Column properties.
export interface IColumnProps {
/** prop1 description */
prop1?: string;
/** prop2 description */
prop2: number;
* prop3 description
prop3: () => void;
/** prop4 description */
prop4: 'option1' | 'option2' | 'option3';
* Form column.
export class Column extends Component<IColumnProps, {}> {
render() {
return <div>Test</div>;
Will generate the following stylesheet:
The functional component Grid.tsx
import * as React from 'react';
* Grid properties.
export interface IGridProps {
/** prop1 description */
prop1?: string;
/** prop2 description */
prop2: number;
* prop3 description
prop3: () => void;
/** Working grid description */
prop4: 'option1' | 'option2' | 'option3';
* Form Grid.
export const Grid = (props: IGridProps) => {
const smaller = () => {return;};
return <div>Grid</div>;
Will generate the following stylesheet:
The typescript is pretty complex and there are many different ways how to define components and their props so it's realy hard to support all these use cases. That means only one thing, contributions are highly welcome. Just keep in mind that each PR should also include tests for the part it's fixing.
Thanks to all contributors without their help there wouldn't be a single bug fixed or feature implemented. Check the contributors tab to find out more. All those people supported this project. THANK YOU!
The integration with React Styleguidist wouldn't be possible without Vyacheslav Slinko pull request #118 at React Styleguidist.