
Linux on ARM optimized for secure Kubernetes with Falco (Based on Arch Linux)

Primary LanguageShell

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Author: Kris Nova <kris@nivenly.com>

Kubernetes Distribution Image Optimized for Security on ARM

See the original blog at: https://www.nivenly.com/falco-and-kubernetes-on-armv7-using-novix/

This is an Arch Linux flavor built for secure Kubernetes with Falco on arm architecture.

[ novix ]

There are many novix.* commands in $PATH by default.

Explore them by tab hinting novix (type novix and pres TAB a few times)

[ falco ]

This is checked out to github.com:falcosecurity/falco-on-arm which is
a hybrid branch I built specifically for NOVIX

Falco should be installed and running by default.
Below are some handy things to do to play with Falco.

   View the logs: 
	sudo journalctl -fu falco

   Start/Stop Falco:
	sudo systemctl start falco
	sudo systemctl stop falco

   Run Falco manually:
	sudo falco

   Falco configuration:

[ kubernetes ]

See the README in /kubernetes for directions running with Kubernetes

Set your hostname. I like to use "novix" as it is the default hostname.

  novix.hostname novix

Bootstrap your master node


On a second node that the output from the first command and call this

  novix.k8s-node <master> <token> <hash>