Shows SA EXP/Hour and other details
Put the "S_RP_SKILL_POLISHING_EXP_INFO.1.def" file into your tera-proxy\node_modules\tera-data\protocol\ folder. Go in the "map" folder and put the files from there into tera-proxy\node_modules\tera-data\map\ folder.
Get the Opcodes from
XP_Info revamped for SA
- Output SA information
- Enable/disable module
- Reset current session's progress
- Toggle Show Message
- Toggle Short Units
- Toggle Comma Separators
enabled (Start module on launch)
showMessage (Show current SA/Hour when SA is gained)
shortUnits (Show SA in units. "3M" intead of "3000000")
commaSeparators ("3,000,000" instead of "3000000"