Migrate data from silfi to cafeins.
First you need download / clone this repo using
git clone https://github.com/firmansyahrr/barista-app.git
cd barista-app
cp .env.example .env
then configure .env
bun app.ts barista:sync [table_name]
# print help
bun app.ts barista:sync --help
Supported table name parameter
- project
- sitepoint
- asset
- route
- cable
- segment
Or if you like using container style-app you can run this app using command bellow
docker build -t barista-cafeins .
docker run -d -v ./logs:/usr/src/app/logs --name barista barista-cafeins
docker compose up -d
podman build -t barista-cafeins
podman run -d -v ./logs:/usr/src/app/logs --name barista barista-cafeins
if you want using pm2 to run this app you can using this command
pm2 start pm2.config.cjs