
About how to write a paper

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About how to write a paper


  1. Use ChatGPT to rewrite:
    1. 简单改写:Rewrite and expand on the passage in the style of a college-educated native English speaker. Use simple syntax and idiomatic expressions.
    2. 用复杂的句法和词汇改写:Rewrite and expand on the passage in the style of an established scholar. Use complex syntax and advanced vocabulary. Make sure the new version is significantly different from the original.
    3. 用某某作家/教授的风格改写:Rewrite the passage in the style of Kaiming He.
    4. 扮演审稿人写作:I want you to act as an academic conference editor. Please rephrase the paragraph from an academic angle based on the writing style of the MICCAI conference: