
NBS KMM App Development Starter Kit.

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

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The goal of this Template is to be our starting point for new projects, following the best development practices. It's our interpretation and adaptation of years in mobile development that we have implemented in our internal codebases for all kind of Mobile Projects.


  • shared: data and domain layer
  • iosApp: ios presentation layer
  • androidApp: android presentation layer

Table of Contents


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This template includes:

  • Expect actual implementation

    • Cryptography SHA 256
  • Networking :

    • HTTP GET
    • HTTP POST Multipart/Form-Data
    • Authenticator
    • HTTP Error Handler
  • Database

    • Create
    • Read
    • Delete
  • Preference

    • Read
    • Update


  • Follow the KMM Guide by Jetbrains for getting started building a project with KMM.
  • Install Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile plugin in Android Studio
  • Clone or Download the repo
  • Rebuild Project
  • To run in iOS, Open Xcode, select .xcworkspace, then pod install inside iosApp folder to install shared module and ios dependencies


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Domain to Presentation

In Android, Because both shared and androidApp written in Kotlin, we can simply collect flow :

fun getRocketLaunches() = viewModelScope.launch {
   _rocketLaunchResults.value = Resource.loading()
   proceed(_rocketLaunchResults) {

But in iOS, we have to deal with swift, here i'm using createPublisher() from KMPNativeCoroutines to collect flow as Publisher in Combine :

func getRocketLaunches() {
   rocketLaunch = .loading
     for: rocketLaunchUseCase.getRocketLaunchesNative(),
     in: &cancellables
   ) { self.rocketLaunch = $0 }

both proceed() and viewStatePublisher(for: , in:) are the same logic under the hood, to handle general error, reactively retrying the function, etc.

learn more: https://github.com/rickclephas/KMP-NativeCoroutines

Expect and Actual

in KMM, there is a negative case when there's no support to share code for some feature in both ios and android, and it's expensive to write separately in each module

so the solution is ✨expect and actual✨, we can write expect inside commonMain and write " actual" implementation with actual inside androidMain and iosMain and then each module will use expect



expect fun getRequestHash(): String


actual fun getRequestHash(): String {
  val key: String = "NBS KMM Sample"
  val timestamp = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000).toString()
  val algorithm: String = "HmacSHA256"
  val charset: Charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8")

  val sha256Hmac: Mac = Mac.getInstance(algorithm)
  val secretKeySpec = SecretKeySpec(key.toByteArray(charset), algorithm)
  val hash: String = bytesToHex(sha256Hmac.doFinal(timestamp.toByteArray(charset))).orEmpty()
  logging { "HASH ANDROID $hash" }
  return hash


actual fun getRequestHash(): String {
  val key = "NBS KMM Sample"
  val timestamp = NSDate().timeIntervalSince1970.toLong().toString()
  val hash = (timestamp as NSString).sha256Hmac(key = key)
  logging { "HASH IOS $hash" }
  return hash

fun NSString.sha256Hmac(algorithm: CCHmacAlgorithm = kCCHmacAlgSHA256, key: String): String {
  val string = this.cStringUsingEncoding(encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)
  val stringLength = this.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
  val digestLength = CC_SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH
  var result = UByteArray(size = digestLength)
  val keyString = (key as NSString).cStringUsingEncoding(encoding = NSUTF8StringEncoding)
  val keyLength = key.lengthOfBytesUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)

  CCHmac(algorithm, keyString, keyLength, string, stringLength, result.refTo(0))

  return stringFromResult(result, digestLength)

yes, we can use Foundation, CoreCrypto, CoreFoundation same as what we use in Xcode

Project Structure


  • base
  • cache
  • data
    • sample
      • model
        • response
        • request
      • remote
        • SampleApi
        • SampleApiClient
  • di
    • ios
    • feature
  • domain
    • sample
      • model
      • mapper
      • SampleInteractor
      • SampleUseCase
  • utils
  • enum
  • eventbus
  • ext


  • base
  • di
  • sample
  • theme
  • utils


  • Dependency
  • App
  • Main
  • Resources
  • ReusableView
  • Extensions
  • Utils
  • Features
    • Sample
      • Navigator
      • Views
      • ViewModel

Build Config

You can setup Build Config for multiple Environment, Just add your build configuration at build.gradle on shared in the buildkonfig section like this:

buildkonfig {
    packageName = "com.nbs.kmm.sample"
    objectName = "NbsKmmSharedConfig"
    exposeObjectWithName = "NbsKmmSharedPublicConfig"

    // default config is required
    defaultConfigs {
        buildConfigField(STRING, "BASE_URL", "story-api.dicoding.dev")
        buildConfigField(STRING, "BASE_URL_SPACEX", "api.spacexdata.com")

    // config for staging
    defaultConfigs("staging") {
        buildConfigField(STRING, "BASE_URL", "story-api.dicoding.dev")
        buildConfigField(STRING, "BASE_URL_SPACEX", "api.spacexdata.com")

    // config for release
    defaultConfigs("release") {
        buildConfigField(STRING, "BASE_URL", "story-api.dicoding.dev")
        buildConfigField(STRING, "BASE_URL_SPACEX", "api.spacexdata.com")

And for changing the Environment just set it on gradle.properties with buildkonfig.flavor and assign the value with the Environment name that you want to use, for default config just let the buildkonfig.flavor value to be empty