
Helper aider with neovim

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Minimal helper plugin for aider with neovim.


Demo GIF

Visual Mode Demo GIF



Please add the following settings to your vimrc or init.vim.

let g:aider_command = 'aider --no-auto-commits'
let g:aider_buffer_open_type = 'floating'
let g:aider_floatwin_width = 100
let g:aider_floatwin_height = 20
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ar :AiderRun<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>aa :AiderAddCurrentFile<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>aw :AiderAddWeb<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ap :AiderSendPromptWithInput<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ax :AiderExit<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>ai :AiderAddIgnoreCurrentFile<CR>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>aI :AiderOpenIgnore<CR>
vmap <leader>av :AiderVisualTextWithPrompt<CR>


To use aider.vim, you can run the following commands within Vim or Neovim:

  • :AiderRun - Runs aider or display aider window.
  • :AiderAddCurrentFile Adds the current file to aider's context.
  • :AiderExit - Exits aider and cleans up the session.
  • :AiderVisualTextWithPrompt
    • Edit the selected text in visual mode in a floating window and send it to aider.
    • In the floating window, send to aider with <CR> in normal mode, and close the floating window with q.
  • :AiderAddWeb - Displays a prompt for the specified URL and adds it to the aider context.
  • :AiderOpenIgnore - Opens the .aiderignore file in the git root directory if it exists.
  • :AiderAddIgnoreCurrentFile - Adds the current file to the .aiderignore