
A golang implementation of the upcoming IETF RFC Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs

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Golang implementation of the upcoming IETF RFC Health Check Response Format for HTTP APIs.


In your go program,

  1. Create the health Handler.
  2. Add the handler to your mux/server.
package main

import (

func main() {
	// 1. Create the health Handler.
	h := health.New(health.Health{Version: "1", ReleaseID: "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"}) 

	// 2. Add the handler to your mux/server.
	http.HandleFunc("/health", h.Handler)
	// 3. Start your server.
	http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

Providing Checks

If is possible to provide checks. This library comes with the following checks predefined:

  • system uptime
  • process uptime
  • mongodb health
  • SendGrid health
  • sysinfo information (CPU Utilization, RAM, uptime, number of processes)

You can add any implementation of ChecksProvider to the varargs list of health.New().

package main

import (

func main() {
	url := "mongodb://"
	client, _ := mongo.NewClient(options.Client().ApplyURI(url))
	_ = client.Connect(context.Background())
	h := health.New(
			Version: "1",
			ReleaseID: "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
		mongodb.Health(url, client, time.Duration(10)*time.Second, time.Duration(40)*time.Microsecond),
	http.HandleFunc("/health", h.Handler)
	http.ListenAndServe(":80", nil)

Sample Output (no configured checks)

   "releaseId" : "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
   "status" : "pass",
   "version" : "1"

Sample Output: mongodb

   "releaseId" : "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
   "status" : "pass",
   "version" : "1",
   "checks" : {
      "mongodb:responseTime" : [
            "componentId" : "mongodb://",
            "observedUnit" : "ns",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:48:01.594380018Z",
            "observedValue" : 147640,
            "status" : "pass"

Sample Output: sendgrid

   "status" : "pass",
   "version" : "1",
   "releaseId" : "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
   "checks" : {
      "SendGrid" : [
            "status" : "pass",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:45:34.427704957Z"

Sample Output: uptime

   "status" : "pass",
   "releaseId" : "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
   "version" : "1",
   "checks" : {
      "uptime" : [
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:39:36.409862824Z",
            "observedValue" : 15312,
            "status" : "pass",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "observedUnit" : "s"
            "observedValue" : 6.365804997,
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:39:36.409871632Z",
            "observedUnit" : "s",
            "componentType" : "process",
            "status" : "pass"

Sample Output: sysinfo

   "checks" : {
      "memory:utilization" : [
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "Total Ram",
            "observedValue" : 16694185984,
            "status" : "pass",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes"
            "componentId" : "Free Ram",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "observedValue" : 672645120,
            "status" : "pass",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes"
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedValue" : 190525440,
            "status" : "pass",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "Shared Ram"
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "Buffer Ram",
            "observedValue" : 660090880,
            "status" : "pass",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes"
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "Total Swap",
            "status" : "pass",
            "observedValue" : 18207465472,
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes"
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedValue" : 18204581888,
            "status" : "pass",
            "componentId" : "Free Swap",
            "componentType" : "system"
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "Total High",
            "status" : "pass",
            "observedValue" : 0,
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes"
            "status" : "pass",
            "observedValue" : 0,
            "componentId" : "Free High",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "observedUnit" : "1 bytes",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z"
      "uptime" : [
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "s",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "observedValue" : 15193,
            "status" : "pass"
      "cpu:utilization" : [
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "1 minute",
            "status" : "pass",
            "observedValue" : 0,
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "%"
            "componentId" : "5 minutes",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "observedValue" : 0,
            "status" : "pass",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "%"
            "componentType" : "system",
            "componentId" : "15 minutes",
            "observedValue" : 0,
            "status" : "pass",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z",
            "observedUnit" : "%"
            "status" : "pass",
            "observedValue" : 1449,
            "componentId" : "Processes",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z"
      "hostname" : [
            "observedValue" : "Nelkinda-Blade-Stealth-2",
            "status" : "pass",
            "componentId" : "hostname",
            "componentType" : "system",
            "time" : "2020-03-08T16:37:37.559642943Z"
   "version" : "1",
   "releaseId" : "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
   "status" : "pass"
