
PHP Micro-Framework HLEB

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT



PHP Micro-Framework

Requires PHP version 7.0 or higher (including version 8).

Link to instructions (RU)

Routing > Controllers > Models > Page Builder > Debug Panel

A distinctive feature of the micro-framework HLEB is the minimalism of the code and the speed of work. The choice of this framework allows you to launch a full-fledged product with minimal time costs and appeals to documentation; it is easy, simple and fast. At the same time, it solves typical tasks, such as routing, shifting actions to controllers, model support, so, the basic MVC implementation. This is the very minimum you need to quickly launch an application.


To start the mini-framework HLEB

  1. Download the folder with the project from its original location.

Using Composer:

$ composer create-project phphleb/hleb
  1. Assign the address of the resource to the "public" subdirectory.
  2. Establish the rights to allow changes for web server for the "storage" folder and all folders and files within it.

Upon completion of these steps, you can verify installation by typing the resource address assigned earlier (locally or on a remote server) in the address bar of the browser. If installation is successful, a parked page with the framework logo will be displayed.

List of standard console commands:

$ cd hleb
$ php console --help


Command character constants in the micro-framework HLEB are set in the start.hleb.php file. Initially, a file with this name does not exist and must be copied from the default.start.hleb.php file in the same project root directory.

Attention! Constant HLEB_PROJECT_DEBUG enables/disables debug mode. Do not use debug mode on a public server.


Project routes are compiled by the developer in the "/routes/main.php" file, other files with routes from the "routes" folder can be inserted (included) into this file, which together constitute a routing map.

Routes are determined by class Route methods, the main of which is get(). All methods of this class are available and used only in the routing map.

Attention! Route files are cached and should not contain any code containing external data.

Route::get('/', 'Hello, world!');

Display the contents of the "/views/index.php" file using the view() function (also available in controllers).

Route::get('/', view('index'));

This is an example of a more complex-named route. Here, $x and $y values are transferred to the "/views/map/new.php" file, and conditions for the dynamic address are set ("version" and "page" can take different values). You can call a route up by its name using dedicated functions of the framework.

Route::get('/ru/{version}/{page?}/', view('/map/new', ['x' => 0, 'y' => 0]))->where(['version' => '[a-z0-9]+', 'page' => '[a-z]+'])->name('RouteName'); // /ru/.../.../ or /ru/.../

or (with IDE hints)

Route::get('/ru/{version}/{page?}/', view('/map/new', ['x' => 0, 'y' => 0]))::where(['version' => '[a-z0-9]+', 'page' => '[a-z]+'])::name('RouteName'); // /ru/.../.../ or /ru/.../

Special tag @ for categories or users

Route::get('/@{user}/', view('profile'));

Get different query options

Route::get('/example/...0-5/', '0 to 5 parts');

Groups of routes

Methods located before a route or group:

type()->, prefix()->, protect()->, before()->, domain()->

  Route::get('/page/', "<h1>Page</h1>"); // /lang/page/
  Route::protect()->type('post')->get('/ajax/', '{"connect":1}'); // /lang/ajax/

Methods located after a route or group:

->where(), ->after()



Creating a simple controller with such content:

// File /app/Controllers/TestController.php
namespace App\Controllers;
use App\Models\UserModel;
class TestController extends \MainController
    function index($status) {  // $status = 'friends'
      $data = UserModel::getUserData(\Request::get('id'), $status);
      return view('/user/profile', ['contacts' => $data]);

You can use it in the route map:

Route::get('/profile/{id}/contacts/')->controller('TestController',['friends'])->where(['id' => '[0-9]+']);


Route::get('/profile/{id}/contacts/')->controller('TestController@index',['friends'])->where(['id' => '[0-9]+']);

Replacing class and method calls from url:

Route::get('/example/{class}/{method}/')->controller('<class>Controller@get<method>'); // Converts `site.com/example/all-users/user/` to `AllUsersController@getUser`


// File /app/Models/UserModel.php
namespace App\Models;
class UserModel extends \MainModel
  static function getUserData(int $id, string $status) {
    $data = /* ... */ // A query to the database, returning users data.
    return $data;


For modular development, you need to create the folder 'modules'.

  • /modules
    • /example
      • /DefaultModuleController.php (or 'Controller.php' without specifying the controller in the route)
      • /content.php
      • /templates
        • /origin.php
Route::get('/test/module/example/')->module('example', 'DefaultModuleController');
// File /modules/example/DefaultModuleController.php (similar to standard controller)
namespace Modules\Example;
class DefaultModuleController extends \MainController
   function index() {
      return view('content');
// File /modules/example/content.php


// File /resources/views/content.php
insertTemplate('templates/origin', ['title' => 'Short text', 'content' => 'Long text']);
// File /resources/views/templates/origin.php
echo $title; // Short text
echo $content; // Long text

Page Builder

Route::renderMap('#Header_map', ['/parts/header', '/parts/resources']);
Route::renderMap('#Footer_map', ['/parts/reviews', '/parts/footer']);

Route::get('/', render(['#Header_map', '/pages/index', '#Footer_map'], ['variable' => 'value']));

Optional use of Twig template engine

$ composer require "twig/twig:^3.0"
Route::get('/template/', view('templates/map.twig', ['variable' => 'value']));

Debug Panel

WorkDebug::add($debug_data, 'description');

Database queries

Recommended phphleb/xdorm ORM or DB (add-on over PDO) class.

Additional features

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