- Utilized scaffold to auto generate a set of model, views, and controller for user, product, and bid table and create a full CRUD web interface.
- Installed Bcrypt Ruby gem so users can log in and sign up using email and password.
- Implemented model and system tests to simulate user interaction.
- Allowed admin to add, edit, delete, stop, and resume a product for bidding.
- Enabled bidders to place and update their bids.
- Added modals using turbo frames.
- Displayed user avatars and products shapes by utilizing DiceBear avatar library.
- Showed flash messages using turbo.
- Email address: admin@email.com
- Password: admin123
- Images from canva and linkpicture.
- Design inspired by flatstudio project.
- Rails, Turbo Drive handbook.
- DiceBear Avatar Library.