Code taken from https://www.pyimagesearch.com/2015/03/30/accessing-the-raspberry-pi-camera-with-opencv-and-python/.
From a machine with an X server:
ssh -X pi@<IP of Pi>
Then on the Pi:
cd opencv
make run-container
Then in the container:
python test-image.py
Pi setup
wpa_supplicant.conf with passwords for my home network and phone hotspot.
Camera enabled (raspi-config -> /boot/config.txt).
sudo aptitude install emacs git docker.io imagemagick virtualenv python-dev
(.emacs and org repo copied from work laptop)
(Emacs packages installed: paredit, auto-complete, go-autocomplete, go-guru, magit.)
git clone https://github.com/neiljerram/opencv.git
opencv/Makefile has run-container target that runs shell in a container that maps the opencv subdir and adds in an OpenCV install.
Unnecessary venv
I thought I needed a venv at opencv/venv, and in that venv, pip
install picamera[array]
I now think that is unnecessary, because it appears that the
image already includes picamera
(which makes sense given the Pi focus); and because I’m not doing
anything to activate the venv inside the container, but code including
import picamera
still works.