WasteXpert: Smart Waste Management System - Backend

Welcome to the backend repository for WasteXpert, a smart waste management system that facilitates waste collection scheduling, user management, and authentication functionalities.


User Management:

  • Register new users with role-based access: Users can register with roles such as householder, collector, or admin.
  • Authenticate users with JWT tokens: Secure user authentication using JSON Web Tokens.
  • Admin-only user management: Admins have privileges to view all users, assign roles, and delete users.

Waste Collection Scheduling:

  • Householders can schedule waste collection pickups: Users with the householder role can schedule pickups for waste collection.
  • Admins can assign collectors to scheduled pickups: Admins can assign collectors to the scheduled pickups created by householders.
  • Collectors can view their assigned pickups: Users with the collector role can view pickups assigned to them.

Technologies Used

  • Node.js: Backend JavaScript runtime.
  • Express.js: Web framework for Node.js.
  • MongoDB: NoSQL database for data storage.
  • Mongoose: MongoDB object modeling for Node.js.
  • JWT: JSON Web Tokens for authentication.
  • bcryptjs: Password hashing and verification.
  • Joi: Data validation for incoming requests.
  • Nodemailer: Sending emails for notifications.

Getting Started

To run the project locally, follow these steps:

Clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/nellyiya/Waste-Management-System_Backend.git

cd Backend

Install dependencies:

npm install Start the server:

Start the server:

npm start