Pinned issues
- 1
[Bug]: Can not expose snake case properties.
#2361 opened by NetBT - 0
Changing `Rest\Get` to attributes leads to invalid URL
#2356 opened by jneidel - 5
[Bug]: enum_exists(): Argument #1 ($enum) must be of type string, array given
#2327 opened by DipenAVDEVS - 1
[Bug]: Attribute-defined schemas containing oneOf/anyOf/allOf are merged with property types, no overwriting of types possible
#2290 opened by vuryss - 1
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[Question]: How to add a 400 response to all endpoints
#2339 opened by davidrojo - 0
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[Feature]: Easy way to ignore properties from schema generation without relying on Symfony's `#[Ignore]` attribute
#2306 opened by DominicLuidold - 2
[Question]: Assert/Choice overrides enum
#2294 opened by ggroy12 - 4
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[Bug]: problem with traversables
#2323 opened by nikophil - 4
Components `property` is ignored for `@OA\Property`
#2315 opened by jneidel - 1
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[Bug]: Documentation is deprecated
#2322 opened by 4d4ch4u32 - 1
[Bug]: explicit setting of default value in Property causes error "Multiple definitions for [property]"
#2330 opened by heiglandreas - 4
The "Nelmio\ApiDocBundle\Processor\MapRequestPayloadProcessor" class implements "OpenApi\Processors\ProcessorInterface" that is deprecated[Bug]:
#2324 opened by habib-halaoui - 2
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[Bug]: tags within api definition are not unique
#2308 opened by maglnet - 3
[Bug]: Not nullable with default are required
#2304 opened by alxvgt - 2
Duplication of query parameter if it's a reference
#2314 opened by jneidel - 0
[Bug]: Symfony 7.1 - deprecation Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\DependencyInjection\Extension
#2291 opened by dmamchyts - 0
[Question]: Is there a way to hide route by method ?
#2313 opened by Rebolon - 1
[Feature]: PHPDoc with union of constant strings could/should be considered an enum
#2310 opened by RobertMe - 5
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[Bug]: CSRF token is always in a schema
#2293 opened by Hricer - 1
[Feature]: Define "tags" list via attributes
#2307 opened by mazumba - 5
[Question]: GitHub Sponsors
#2296 opened by yblatti - 2
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[Bug]: Symfony 7.1 - MapRequestPayload resolves array with new "type" parameter
#2297 opened by mazumba - 1
[Bug]: UuidPropertyDescriber::describe()" method will require a new "array $context" argument in the next major version of its interface
#2300 opened by motoronik - 1
[RFC]: Adopt Conventional Commits
#2264 opened by DominicLuidold - 0
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[Bug]: The PropertyInfo component was not able to guess the type of Company::$edAt. You may need to add a `@var` annotation or use `@OA\Property(type="")` to make its type explicit
#2286 opened by tomasvts - 1
[Question]: multiple allow_origin entries
#2285 opened by ThePeterMick - 1
[Bug]: Type required for oneOf defined property
#2284 opened by bobvandevijver - 2
[Bug]: Upgrade to 4.26.0 breaks phpunit-tests
#2278 opened by mazumba-nx - 4
[Bug]: Deprecation errors after updating to 4.26.1
#2279 opened by deluxetom - 1
[Question]: Is there a way to override the documentation for a specific class/type?
#2281 opened by mousetail - 2
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[Question]: Is it possible to view a web form when mediaType is "application/json"?
#2267 opened by m4n50n - 1
[Bug]: Lost data format in schema for array of objects
#2272 opened by p-golovin - 0
[Feature]: Describing default error response
#2274 opened by DjordyKoert - 0
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[Feature]: Webhook support
#2263 opened by qdequippe