- 1
Nonce not possible to use
#365 opened by Mecanik - 0
- 1
#358 opened by martijnc - 3
- 4
cspscript for encore_entry_script_tags and cspstyle for encore_entry_link_tags
#314 opened by thomas2411 - 2
- 4
Unexpecting appearance of unsafe-inline on CSP
#346 opened by spyridonas - 7
Service dependency injection for controller action: Getting CSP nonce in controller
#345 opened by Adambean - 2
[Feature request] Per-page CSP configuration
#206 opened by stof - 1
Incompatibility with twig 3.9
#343 opened by jderusse - 0
- 0
Introduce `ExternalRedirectResponse` for more fine-grained redirection control
#330 opened by martijnc - 4
Nonce is empty unless dump using twig
#340 opened by vdeville - 1
CSP interferes with var-dumper
#339 opened by pauljura - 1
Reusing nonce for Turbo Drive integration
#321 opened by florimondmanca - 3
Support Permissions-policy header
#240 opened by nicolas-grekas - 0
DirectiveSet::canNotBeFallbackedByDefault(): Argument #2 ($value) must be of type string, bool given
#325 opened by bartosz-zolynski - 3
- 0
- 2
Issue with CSP config
#317 opened by yellow1912 - 2
- 1
Remove "Server" header
#318 opened by sdespont - 1
Incompatible with Symfony's clearCookie() strategy
#313 opened by johnpez - 5
- 2
- 2
CSP content_types stopped working
#199 opened by thomas2411 - 1
[3.0] Roadmap
#256 opened by franmomu - 1
[RFC] Remove Cookie Session Handler in 3.0
#270 opened by franmomu - 3
Symfony 6 compatibility
#246 opened by meiyasan - 3
Ability to override (and disable) `hash`
#243 opened by drzraf - 3
Not compatible with Framework-Bundle 5.0
#231 opened by alcohol - 4
[Feature Contribution] Path Based configuration
#234 opened by henrym2 - 1
Is ua-parser/uap-php really optional dependency?
#214 opened by freezy-sk - 0
Support for new Cross-origin headers
#239 opened by stof - 1
Disable CSP for some URLs
#232 opened by randomsymbols - 0
[dependencies] Missing symfony/yaml dependency
#237 opened by azjezz - 0
Parse error?
#230 opened by asaage - 4
Unexpected ')' in ContentSecurityPolicyController
#228 opened by andreheeke - 1
New script src directives
#200 opened by ooOsH - 2
Compatibility Twig3
#216 opened by Nathan-Riviere - 2
Symfony 4.4 LTS - Erreur CSP
#215 opened by HeLLsSs - 1
Twig 3.0 compatibility
#212 opened by spackmat - 1
Support for the Feature-Policy header
#181 opened by stof - 1
Release 2.5.2
#186 opened by tgalopin - 1
- 6
Compatibility issue with Twig 2.7.0
#197 opened by Toflar - 0
You have requested a non-existent service "nelmio_security.csp_reporter_controller" when csp is disabled
#196 opened by spackmat - 1
- 1
How to set the parameter $reportOnly in the buildHeaders to false in the class ContentSecurityPolicyListener?
#190 opened by HVSoftware - 3