
A request unmarshaller for web servers using the Go language.

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A request unmarshaller for web servers using the Go language.


  1. Use Content-Type to load request bodies.
  2. Provide methods for attempting to make all data loaded from a body function roughly the same (e.g. if only one value was provided for an input, store just the value instead of []string{value}, to make application/x-www-urlencoded and application/json work a little more similarly).
  3. Keep track of all input errors and return them in an easy to parse way, for providing details to the user about what went wrong.
  4. Provide functionality similar to json's Unmarshal process for generic web requests, regardless of Content-Type.


The actual logic within this repository has been in production use with a few projects for a while, now. However, this project is a massive refactor of that logic, and I haven't got any test coverage for it yet. You may want to play around with it, but I would suggest waiting until there is at least 80% test coverage before using it actively in production, yourself.


You will likely want to read the package documentation to get the most out of this package. However, the absolute basics are:

import "github.com/go-requests/requests"

type User struct {
	Name string `request:"username,required"`
    Pass password `request:"password,required"`
    Blurb string `request:"about_me"`

func HandleRequest(httpRequest *http.Request) error {
	target := new(User)
	return requests.New(httpRequest).Unmarshal(target)

The request body will be loaded into a map of parameters and then values from the request will be applied to fields on the target user. If either username or password are missing from the request, an error will be returned.


For projects with solid unit testing, or projects intending to follow continuous integration, I recommend getting directly from github:

go get github.com/nelsam/requests

However, for projects that need more assurances that nothing will ever change, this project does support versioning through gopkg.in (using a fork at github.com/go-requests/requests):

go get gopkg.in/requests.v0

Check the project tags for version updates. v1 will be released when test coverage exceeds 80%.