
Apps and Drivers for Hubitat Elevation

Primary LanguageGroovyApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Hubitat Apps and Drivers

Apps and Drivers I've created for Hubitat Elevation


The drivers to be used are under 'drivers/expanded', the drivers directly in 'drivers' can't be used on HE. They contain code generation blocks executed by the Python scripts to create the final drivers residing in 'expanded'.

NOTE: 'tasmota-tuya-wifi-touch-switch-child-test' is NOT a real driver, do NOT use it.


The apps to be used are under 'apps/expanded', the apps directly in 'apps' can't be used on HE. They contain code generation blocks executed by the Python scripts to create the final apps residing in 'expanded'.

"Tasmota Connect" is used to install these drivers on HE.

NOTE: 'tasmota-connect-test' is NOT a real app, do NOT use it.

Hubitat Forum

Please see the following thread for a place to discuss this repo: https://community.hubitat.com/t/release-tasmota-7-x-firmware-with-hubitat-support/29368

Python scripts

The Python scripts used for generating the expanded source code and auto-publish to Hubitat are not meant to be used, but I have published them in case they are of some use to anyone. If you do use them, look me up at the Hubitat Forum user "markus" and I will happily listen to any feedback you may have.