
An autonomous time-lapse project

Primary LanguageJava

Time-lapse project

This was a group project. I was the project manager (and one of the developers). The goal was to create an autonomous time-lapse camera from scratch with a Raspberry and Raspberry-pi camera and to be able to see the photos took on an Android device.


The software part of this project contains 3 components

Android app

The app where we can program photo sessions in a given time-frame with a given period (for the time-lapse to take photos). We can see the photo took by the camera, also in a form of a video. The github repository of the app can be found here.


The camera, responsible of taken photos (if there is a photo session running)


An intermediate server between the Android app and the Raspberry, where all the images and other datas would be stored.

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My part

I was in charge of developing the program run by the Raspberry, the API (server) and the API client that would be used by the android app and the Raspberry.

API (server)

The server was developed in Spring Boot. The images sent by the camera are stored in Firebase Storage, although, there is also a version where you can store them locally.

API Client

The API client uses the HTTP client library I developed.

Raspberry program

The program was developped in Groovy, it uses a Java library to manipulate the Raspberry Camera.


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