
Python package for the analysis and visualization of network graphs.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python package for the analysis and visualization of network graphs with familiar libraries such as NetworkX, NetworKit, igraph, cdlib, and Plotly.


  • Python 3.6.8+
  • cdlib>=0.3.0
  • datashader>=0.10.0
  • kaleido>=0.2.1
  • leidenalg>=0.8.3
  • networkit>=7.0
  • networkx>=2.3
  • networkx-gdf>=1.1
  • openpyxl>=3.1.2
  • pandas>=0.25.3
  • plotly>=3.10.0
  • python-igraph>=0.8.3
  • python-louvain>=0.14


The following is an overview of the package, to be replaced with guidelines detailing its usage with examples.

Import high-level class

import graph_express.graph_express as gx

Read graph from file

Accepted extensions include all formats supported by networkx and networkx-gdf.

G = gx.read_graph("/path/to/file.ext", ...)

Compute centrality and communities

Generates a data frame with node centrality values and communities, e.g., using the Leiden algorithm:

df = gx.compute(G, attrs=["degree", "leiden"])

Plot network graph

Calculates positions and plots the network graph.

fig = gx.draw(G, layout="forceatlas2", renderer="networkx")

Import specific classes

This package implements six classes with static methods to allow inheriting their implemented methods:

import graph_express

Centrality = graph_express.Centrality()
Community = graph_express.Community()
Convert = graph_express.Convert()
Draw = graph_express.Draw()
Graph = graph_express.Graph()
Layout = graph_express.Layout()

Note that all implemented methods are static and also exposed by graph_express.graph_express (see example above).


Computes weighted or unweighted (in-/out-) degree, bridging, and brokering centrality. Wrappers available for NetworkX (nx) and NetworKit (nk).

from graph_express import Centrality

# Centrality.bridging_centrality
# Centrality.bridging_coef
# Centrality.brokering_centrality
# Centrality.degree
# Centrality.in_degree
# Centrality.nk_centrality
# Centrality.nx_centrality
# Centrality.out_degree
# Centrality.weighted_degree
# Centrality.weighted_in_degree
# Centrality.weighted_out_degree


Computes Louvain or Leiden community modules, as implemented by the authors. Wrappers available for cdlib and NetworKit (nk).

from graph_express import Community

# Community.cdlib_community
# Community.leiden
# Community.louvain
# Community.nk_community


Converts graphs from and to igraph (ig), NetworKit (nk), NetworkX (nx), Pandas (pd), and PyTorch Geometric (pyg) formats.

from graph_express import Convert

# Convert.ig2nk
# Convert.ig2nx
# Convert.nk2ig
# Convert.nk2nx
# Convert.nx2ig
# Convert.nx2nk
# Convert.nx2pyg
# Convert.pd2nx
# Convert.pyg2nx


Plots network graphs using NetworkX (nx) or Plotly, as well as degree histograms and similarity matrices among graphs.

from graph_express import Draw

# Draw.draw
# Draw.draw_nx
# Draw.draw_plotly
# Draw.histogram
# Draw.similarity_matrix


Convenience functions to read or write from file, as well as manipulate graph objects.

from graph_express import Graph

# Graph.adjacency
# Graph.agg_edge_attr
# Graph.agg_nodes
# Graph.compose
# Graph.density
# Graph.diameter
# Graph.edges
# Graph.graph
# Graph.info
# Graph.is_graph
# Graph.isolates
# Graph.k_core
# Graph.nodes
# Graph.read_graph
# Graph.remove_edges
# Graph.remove_nodes
# Graph.remove_selfloop_edges
# Graph.set_edge_attributes
# Graph.set_node_attributes
# Graph.write_graph


Calculate node positions to use for graph_express.draw.

from graph_express import Layout

# Layout.layout
# Layout.circular_layout
# Layout.forceatlas2_layout
# Layout.kamada_kawai_layout
# Layout.random_layout

Command line interface

An experimental CLI is partially implemented and may be executed with graph-express.

graph-express [-h] [-o OUTPUT] [-a ATTRS [ATTRS ...]] [-c NODE_COLOR]
               [-e EDGE_ATTR [EDGE_ATTR ...]] [-g GROUPS] [-k K_CORE]
               [-l LAYOUT] [-n NODE_ATTR [NODE_ATTR ...]] [-p POS]
               [-r SEED] [-s SOURCE] [-t TARGET] [--directed]
               [--multigraph] [--no-edges-attrs] [--no-node-attrs]
               [--normalized] [--selfloops]
               {build,compute,plot} input [input ...]

positional arguments:
  {build,compute,plot}  Action to execute.
  input                 Path to input graphs or data set files.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output path to write returned data.
  -a ATTRS [ATTRS ...], --attrs ATTRS [ATTRS ...]
                        Available attributes: ['bridging_centrality',
                        'bridging_coef', 'brokering_centrality', 'degree',
                        'in_degree', 'nk_centrality', 'nx_centrality',
                        'out_degree', 'weighted_degree', 'weighted_in_degree',
                        'weighted_out_degree', 'cdlib_community', 'label',
                        'leiden', 'louvain', 'nk_community'].
                        Set node color (example: '#ccc').
  -e EDGE_ATTR [EDGE_ATTR ...], --edge-attrs EDGE_ATTR [EDGE_ATTR ...]
                        Set edge attributes to consider when building graphs.
  -g GROUPS, --groups GROUPS
                        Get node groups from file (containing two columns,
                        indexed by 'id').
  -k K_CORE, --k-core K_CORE
                        Apply k-core to graph.
  -l LAYOUT, --layout LAYOUT
                        Available layouts: ['circular_layout',
                        'forceatlas2_layout', 'kamada_kawai_layout', 'layout',
                        'random_layout'] (default: 'kamada_kawai').
  -n NODE_ATTR [NODE_ATTR ...], --node-attrs NODE_ATTR [NODE_ATTR ...]
                        Set node attributes to consider when building graphs.
  -p POS, --positions POS
                        Get node 2 or 3-dimensional positions from file.
  -r SEED, --random-seed SEED
                        Specify random seed for predictable randomness.
  -s SOURCE, --source SOURCE
                        Field name to consider as source.
  -t TARGET, --target TARGET
                        Field name to consider as target.
  --directed            Set as directed graph.
  --multigraph          Set as multigraph (allow multiple edges connecting a
                        same pair of nodes).
  --no-edges-attrs      Ignore edge attributes when building graphs.
  --no-node-attrs       Ignore node attributes when building graphs.
  --normalized          Returns normalized centrality values (from 0 to 1.0).
  --selfloops           Allow edges connecting a node to itself.
